Friday, December 4, 2009

When does passion become obsession?

I have recently become VERY interested in the phantom of the opera. I have always loved music, and i will admit that i am a band geek (not to mention that it's in my blood) but now that i have actually seen the stage production of phantom instead of just the movie, the music has a strange effect on me. When i listen to the music, i enter a whole new world that's all my own. I have no worries and i become lost in the music. I admire andrew lloyd webber for what he's done, have a strong desire to meet and work with him one day, and i am even trying to compose my own medley of the music. all of this seems positive, but then i depress myself by the thought that i will never be able to reach his level of musical superiority or accomplish what he's done. my parents have always told me i have more to give to the world than becoming a teacher or a starving musician, but i now wonder if music is where i truly belong. is it likely that my passion lies in music and i should pursue a career, or...

When does passion become obsession?theatre

Pursue your dream, but have solid ground to stand on. What i mean is find a job you can depend on and pursue your music on your off time. I know it is going to be hard, but the path to your dreams are never easy, for if they were then everybody would do it. The ones that succed use patience and resolve to succed. Your not going to be touring in six months, it's going to take time so be patient

When does passion become obsession?opera music opera theater

Obsessiveness is not necessarily a problem. Histories greatest were obsessive, just make sure you are great!
When you have passion you feel a deep love, but with obsession you can't get it out of your mind every moment of your life. You love the music deeply, and you have strong desires, but do you think about it all the time?

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