Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can anyone recommend any italian music???

im teaching myself how to speak italian and the book i bought recommends that i listen to some italian music so i can get used to listening to the language. anyone know anything decent? any style or genre is fine as long (but not opera cause there's no way i'll be able to understand a word they sing).


Can anyone recommend any italian music???say yes

Oh there are so many great italian singers :

Gianni Morandi, Lucio Dalla, Adriano Celentano, Eros Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini, Marco Masini, Gemelli Diversi.... And a song Italians like to sing : "Azzurro" or "L'Italiano"

Can anyone recommend any italian music???palace theatre opera theater

That all depends on your taste in music. Do you like opera? Verdi, Bellini, Puccini and so many other composers of bel canto and opera's. Do you like the typical Italian street music like a tarantella. Music from the "Godfather." There is quite a choice and you have to make the final decision. Listen to all of it and if it stirs any emotion that's the music you should listen to.
I own a couple CSI cd's (Consorzio Suonatori Indipindenti) an Italian rock band that are pretty good. Available on various sites (amazon, etc). Tabula Rasa Elettricatta is the best.

Tiziano Ferro

Luca Dirisio
I second Ligabue, he's my favorite Italian singer. I also like Carmen Consoli and Irene Grandi.

You might also try listening to the radio online, which is something I like to do (though you may be surprised how much English language music you hear!). You get exposed to not only music but also commercials, jingles, DJ talk, etc. I recommend RTL 102.5 and Radio 105.

divertiti (have fun!)

I think, Eros Ramazotti is good for learning/hearing italian, because he sings very cleary and is good to understand.

Have a nice day


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