Friday, December 4, 2009

How to stop the deaths, do you agree?

I grew up watching wrestling but lost interest several years ago when I was in my 20's. It became too much of a soap opera and was more obviously fate than ever. It was more of a "look at the muscle freaks and the barely dressed women".

People listen to me!

If we just all stop watching it, maybe we'll be saving lives if the wrestling sport is what dies instead of the wrestlers.

How to stop the deaths, do you agree?imax theatre

I agree 100%, I was a wrestling fan too, but I stopped watching it because of the half hour bull**** before each show, the same old good guy turns bad guy, back to good guy plot. I Love the Ladies as much as the next guy but it's carried to extremes. Vinnie Mac should take a zero tolerance stance on steroid use, if he did, tragedies like the Chris Benoit murder/suicide would be avoided.

How to stop the deaths, do you agree?performing show opera theater

I love how people act as if wrestling's the only "sport" that has muscle-bound roid ragers who murder people.
I couldn't agree more!!

I watched wrestling when I was a kid but it was like one day it dawned on me that "this is just stupid" and I've never watched it again.

i dont agree,wrestlin is a sport i MUST to into it now.
hellll no!!! if anything I hope this draws more fans

I spent my whole life dreaming about becoming a pro

wrestler and have been training for a couple of months

now... if the wwe checks its stars reguraly for

steroids than thats all it would take
what will happen if they all lose their jobs? welfare? are you willing to pay a tax for that? how about this, lets all band together and put an end to all televised events, especially cartoons, after all, that is just ink on paper. action, adventure, people think they can do some of those things and get hurt. how about the day time soaps? Now there is some thing good to watch...maybe you are against all shows and movies, which makes me ask,

Why are you on the internet?

how about football, or baseball, or basketball, how many roid users are in those sports? are you going to try to band them as well? Good Luck.
Things are still gonna happen even if people watch less. I think they need to have mandatory psychiatric evaluations on these guys. I agree that they need to do more steroid testing as well. I like wrestling, but it does need to be cleaned up.
It's up to the TV viewers. It's entertainment. folks....

To the Entertainer to some it's a job. To others it's their life.
Research and developement wing must find a solution to this,our next generations may find, until then we have to get on with death, as such there is no answer, anyway from the old HINDU EPICS THERE IS ONE PHENOMENA HAS BEEN EXPLAINED one can postpone death, ther was a king who has been foretold about his death, he sought the advice of his adviser, who told that taking to sanyasa ie renounciation of family life and living by others left over means equivalent to deathand next birth so by doing so the king can escape death for the time being. accordingly the king took to sanyasa and thereby said to have escaped from death temporarily.
stop death?for me i believed death is every where we cant stop about it,its a part of human being and in the society how could we stop it ?we didn't know ?maybe tomorrow,next week,next month or next year .we have to face the reality that life is a temporary gift by god.for us its better to enjoy life by adoring him the father so by doing things which is null its annoying we have to go on for that, isn't it to say life is wonderfull gift by the almigthy every one has the right to live fully happy
The government needs to make an atheletic commission for wrestling that will require the industry to test for steroids .

This ugly drug needs to be purged from the wrestling industry .

Lives are being lost at an alarming rate and they will continue .
Wrestling is something I always love. But I have to agree, I wish they give more action.. I really love diva matches and I want COMPETITION. I want to see that the divas are wrestling and totally going at it.. Giving sensational moves and I want it to be so great that you can put it to main event. I want competition. I'm glad Melina's the opportunist one, Jillian's the dangerous one, Mickie is a tough competitor and Candice is someone who, from the bottom is one of the "one's to beat".

Sorry, got carried away.

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