Friday, December 4, 2009

Did you hear, Kendall's?

NOT preggo! at least according to Soap Opera weekly, she has a false alarm and didn't tell Zach. Zack over hears her and Green's talking...Ouch!

Also, according to the mag, they are looking for another male to throw into the Zach and Kenall mix to mess with them even more...When are they going to listen to the fans and just leave them alone? How much more can they go through. they have to be the most tortured couple in AMC history

Did you hear, Kendall's?theatre tickets

I HATE SPOILERS. Please warn us before you post what isn't even a question.

Did you hear, Kendall's?opera house opera theater

maybe they are trying to make zach and kendall the next luke and laura.
I hate SPOILERS too.
No she's not. And apparently she is overcome by guilt in the not too distant future and tells Zach about her and Aidan.
thank god they will leave them alone, i love them and there family they got going, i was hoping they were going to leave them alone well incase here's a good site for spoilers
Thanks goodness she isn't pregnant, she does not need anymore kids for at least 3 years or more! They need to stop, this couple has had enough drama to last ten lifetimes, It is getting ridiculous, just let them be happy for a while and focus on the other actors they have on the show. It has become the Kendall hour here lately!
No I didn't even know that! Thanks for letting me know!

Will please keep on with the Questions please.

god Bless

Well, if she is pregnant, they should change her name to Fertile Myrtle
Another male you mean other than Ryan ( who i hate ) they should leave them alone i want them to be happy , also i think Greenlee needs herself a miracle baby.
Thank goodness that a "who's the daddy" storyline will not happen.
No, I didn't know Kendall is not pregnant. Thanks for sharing. I think that Ryan and Greenlee should get back together. And Annie should get the "heave-ho" from the show. She's boring and looks absolutely HORRID with dark hair.. Why do so many female celebs turn their blonde hair dark? Ughhhhh!!!

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