Friday, December 4, 2009

What Happened to Creativity and Originality?

Is it just me or is the state of originality and creativity in the United States seriously lacking? To much focus is being placed on remaking of old movies, music.. When was the last time a new Christmas Classic was created?

I don't listen to the radio anymore, its all advertising and commercial hip-pop..

The last refreshing song I heard was from Maroon-5 and the last couple of movies about magic, "The Prestige, and The Illusionist" were really well done..

I'm a pretty open guy and enjoy almost everything from opera to Opra.. So tell me, am I turning into my father? I think it would be interesting to do a generational study in perceptions of music and art, has this been done already?

What Happened to Creativity and Originality?movie theatre

No, you're NOT turning into your father. For the most part, the new movies and new music coming out these days is crap. There's only so much you can do with grunge, hip-hop, and rap before it all starts sounding the same (in reality all hip-hop and rap sounds the same after 10 minutes of listening) and these so-called "artists" are so freakin' lazy that they think they can capitalize on the success of someone else's movie or music. Of course, in most cases they're wrong because the re-make SUCKS in comparison...P.S.: Can't think of a recent Christmas classic, but the first "Santa Clause" movie was pretty good...

What Happened to Creativity and Originality?playhouse opera theater

i dont really know but i don't like hip hop or rap i'm into rock and all they come up with is songs adout drugs and stuff like that i'm getting really tired of songs like that. rap and hip hop or the same thing all they talk about is sex and more sex. so i'm guessing they can't think of anything else so they're thinking up the same things. so originality and creativity is losed to us for now any way
most of the great minds of creativity are either dead or have some really sucky debilatating curse i am with you there if it has been done then leave it and i dont think that it is just the states happening in australia to have not been to movies for years same movies different actors same song different artist no good nun more
I've decided to just completely regress. I was born in '75 and raised in the 80s/90s, but in my world it'll always be Swinging London, circa 1967.

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