Thursday, December 10, 2009

Joshua is an idiot?

Joshua said: I enjoy riding my bikes, swimming, camping, talking, keeping up to date with new technological advances and science, enjoy math and science. science are invented by china, and I am a Chinese, watch lots of the discovery channel, listen to a huge variety of Chinese music, basically anything except for country, oldies, classical, and opera.

then Joshua said: People only can ask a IT question, as they are 100% sure about the question.

we ask question because we are 0% sure. idiotic Joshua.

Joshua is an idiot?opera ticket

My thoughts are, anyone who leads a rich, full-bodied, rounded life, like the one you stated Joshua leads, is no idiot! I have to agree with David, in that the English language is a complex language. Especially in the different word usage. Perhaps Joshua meant, "Only people can ask a IT question, as only 'they', are 100% UN-sure about the question." Sound's like a reference between computers, and people. Why perhaps that Artificial Intelligence, cannot compare to the human being's intelligence, because WE are always asking the question, "Why?"

Joshua is an idiot?pacific theater opera theater

No, He's Not.........
Give the guy a break... Every word in the English language has at least 2 meanings if not more...A tough language to learn....
You are the idiot here, you keep posting stuff that isn't even making any sense, told you to make sure that you are sure because you claim only two companies can make cpus. i wasn't telling you to be sure of the answer. just what you were saying was true.

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