Thursday, December 10, 2009

* Am I just TOO weird??? *?

Here goes.

I have tons of books in my room, from Stephen King to Jane Austen. I listen to most music, from Megadeth to Josh Groban, and Phantom of the Opera. I write, and play guitar, but also gym and run, and take archery lessons, as well as some self-defecen classes. I play pc games, XBox, I dance, I sing, and I even have model cars in my room, right next to a print of one of VanGogh's paintings...

I love Underworld movies, Blade movies, and the Moulin Rouge movie, and Pride and Prejudice.

I cry at the end of Moulin Rouge, but when someone dies, I don't shed a tear.

I'm dominating, yet a bit afraid of guys. They would never say so.

I keep my body to myself, and believe that i should only cuddle up and such things with a boyfriend, and not every other guy...

Am I too mixed up and strange to handle for some people? Especially guys?

* Am I just TOO weird??? *?concerts

no babe if i wasn't in a relationship I'd go out with someone like you in a second your like my twin

* Am I just TOO weird??? *?headache opera theater

Wow! Why is it I don't believe you could do all those things?
You sound really normal to me. Just have a lot of spirit I think.
Why do you think you can impress people by claiming to be weird?
what is strange about having mulitiple things that you like?
mayb to sum ppl but every one is different so they have to deal w it!
No...i think you are very interesting and a varied person; but not strange. Would like to meet u...

Do you know that Da Vinci was an artist, an architect, a scientest, knew biology all at the same time...?
...Marry me.

i admire u.....dont worry we both r similar...
No, you sound totally perfect and a well rounded individual, with wide ranging interests. If I wasn't most assuredly too old for you, I would be on bended knee right now and asking, nay demanding your hand in marriage.

PS, have you read any of the new Dune books by Frank Herbert's son Brian and Kevin J. Anderson? Start with the Butlerian Jihad and you will really enjoy them.

Take care my dear, and keep on keepin' on, and don't worry about how you are. If any guy or person is threatened by the way you are, just move on----NEXT!!!
"My Room" indicates your still inside the cage at home, not yet free to soar. Having a broad expanse of mental stimulus is a good thing and shows a high energy level. I think you will find that a path in life that leads to a job in marketing with heavy social interaction with customers is what you need in life.

When the right guy comes along , BAM , the hormones break all the rules and you wont be in control just like he wont. Love springs up regardless of your plans. Trust me.

P.S. Megadeth Roxx

And you're not weird, From what i read anyway.
NO !!!! you are have varied interests and are a unique obviously don't follow any crowd and make your own way...that is unusual a good way. there are few out there like you so don't change, don't think you're're just plain incredible so celebrate your uniqueness...
XBox? Yeah, you are weird. Everything else is normal though.
absolutely not, it sounds to me like you are very smart and well rounded and talented, and anyone would be lucky to be even friends with you!

if a guy can't handle that, then he's probably jealous that you are so intreaguing, and full of personality. it's nice to hear of people being individuals still, when there is such a mob mentality these days. hang in there, and only give your time and your cuddling to those who can appreciate it and therefore are deserving.
You sound like an interesting individual. I have many different interests, just like you, but I never feel weird.
sounds like my kind of girl
No. I think your ego is to large to handle for some people, especially guys...
You sound like a complex person not a weird one.
You seem fairly normal and most people are complex individuals, life would be pretty boring otherwise
No, everybody has weird taste.

I play guitar, piano, and baritone ukulele, and I sing.

One of my favorite genres of classical music is minimalist music.

And I'm really, really into linguistics.

Believe me, I'm plenty weird.

Other than trying to be a good person, you shouldn't worry about what guys think of you. If a guy wouldn't want to be with a person like you, he's not the guy for you anyway.
Nah, you don't even come CLOSE to wierd. A lot of people have a variety of interests. Just a lot of people don't ADMIT they have a variety of interests. You'll run into a lot of people who put up a front, this is who I am, this is what I like. . . but get to know them, and poof! you see a whole other side. A bubbly, pink lipsticked cheerleader turns out to be a HUGE Cruxshadows fan, a guy with a big, spikey mohawk who listens to Rancid publicly- knows how to Irish step dance or something, but you won't find out things like this until you get to know them pretty well. Don't worry about it- just do what you do. Anyone who won't respect that is shallow.
some people may find your interests to be too scattered and diverse but personally i like your style. u r interesting

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