ok hes 20 years old. no job. no gf, ever in his life. lives @ home, goes to college 3 days a week. watches jeopardy everyday. listens to classical music or religious catholic opera-like music. he has like 3 or 4 friends but none of them really hang out with him. hes constantly judging me. today i wouldn't give him the remote for the tv so dumps a waterbottle all over me. he said this to me "o my gosh gina every day that you don't have school you always get calls on that phone and your always hanging out with your friends. your obsessed with them. you dont like hanging out with your family" my parents are divorced and he thinks hes the man of the house. if my mom has to take me to a friends house he insists on coming along for the ride. if my mom wants to take me underwear shopping he goes along and nods his head in disapproval when he sees me buying thonhgs. (even though my mom approves of them)... he reads over my shoulder when im on aim. we have 2 phones in the house, and if someone
Does anybody have a brother like this?.. hes driving me insane and nobody understands?performing shows
And if someone...? No offense, but he's a cock who watches you like a hawk. I don't know why he does, but he's not the man of the house. You should have a talk with him. Tell him he's not the man of the house. He lives his life, you live yours. You're old enough that he doesn't need to be watching everything you do. You don't watch him, so why should he? He needs a job, a girlfriend, a home, and more friends. There's three things that are coming out of his behaviour. 1, he doesn't want you following the wrong path in life2, he thinks that just because your parents are divorced, he's in your father's position now, and he can do whatever he wants with you, and 3, he's becoming "drunk" on the power he has now. Just because you hang out with your friends a lot doesn't mean you hate your family. You spend time with them. Tell him he needs a life, because he can't be living off your parents anymore. He needs to be responsible. He needs a job and his own pay. Sure, he goes to college, but he should make money in his free time instead of doing nothing. And dumping a waterbottle on you? Now that's just childish. He can't be judging you either. Tell him to give you some space so you can make your own decisions. You can't have him controlling your life, because that would be like him playing god.
Does anybody have a brother like this?.. hes driving me insane and nobody understands?say yes opera theater
sure dosen't sound like the Cleaver family, you need ward, or june to settle this one.................
Is your brother my ex?
He just cares about you.
I think there is at least one person in a family that is like this. It is the guy who never has a girlfriend and still lives at home with the parents until they die and he inherits the house.
I am sorry!
the reason nobody understands is that everyone hates their bro! my bro is a 22 year old drunk wihtought a job. sure you gotta hate em but love em at the same time. tell him how you feel. it worked for me!
mines the opposite...LOL...u should tell him he's a lazy ****
O my gosh, I am so... grrrr!
he sounds so annoying, just because he doesn't have any friends he gives you a hard time, tell you mom to make him but out!
you have your own life and don't need him babysitting you all the time
oh my! He sounds like he really needs to get laid, find some friends and leave the house every once and a while.
I'm not sure what you can do about it, but i sure feel sorry for you. My brother will stir me up all day if he has the chance, he's a jerk - but my bro sounds easier to handle than yours.
Why dont you point all this out to him and see what he says.
dude, everybody has an annoying brother like that. if he's a stranger, its easy to dump or ignore him. but he's your brother y know. blood is thicker than u know what..
I have 4 older brothers and 1 younger brother, my older brothers were the same with me when we all were living at home and what i figured out that they only wanted to piss me off and make my life a living hell.They were all just so lazy and they all thought the were man of the house. What you have to do is think of someway to pay him back,have you heard of the saying pay back is a *****? it just sounds like that he wants to piss you off and he is just so jealous of you because you have a life and he don't have one.
find him a girl to distract him with maybe hehe
u should write a note saying how u hate yur family and that u are at a friends house until yur brother moves away to college and yur mom starts treating u like a woman...and that the way u wud find out that he moved away was that they wud put an article in the newspaper saying that he finally moved out. and just stay at one of yur friends house until that happens
yea my brothers more a swearing horrible cant do anything mean slob=] you need privacy .. a lock on your room. its a bit wrong when your going underware shopping and he comes allong . my mum and i go together without my brothers. try speak to your mum uin rivate when he's not home to get a lock for your door. tel her you need your privacy.and that he is jsut invading every space of it . i haev a lock on my bedroom door tis the best =D also he shouldnt be reading through your magazines or going through your packpak i mean. gosh thats wrong. whatabout goign through your stuff will he??? my brother stole my diiary. adn thats what i use for when im angry i write everythignn i need to say to get outa my head. its better than screaming it in his face and because my brother is the one who makes me upset most i write about him and how i hate him . maybe you could keep a diary it might help with your anger??? and hide it all :) hide everything you need to hide . i had a fishing rod onece and apparently its a really godo one so my brother wanted to use it i didnt let him and so i bluetacked it to under my bed frame he was serarching for hours and couldnt find it =] lol.. i cant exactly help you that much.ask your mum if you can move into your dads house?? if he's a god guy. or get your brother tp move in with him. i really cant help you but wish you all the best =] i hope everything gets good =] xxxxx
your brother is a bonafide geek, and may even be GAY. When a man acts like this, and concentrates on other people's lives, that just means that they are not satisfied with theirs. You are doing a very good job at telling your friends to call you on your cell only because your brother can't mind his own business. You ought to tell your brother to leave you alone or just move out of your parents house so that he can have a life to manage and let you handle your own life.
pretend he's not there just ignore him
omg my bro is the same way. itsz annoying as hell. but im startin to get the fact that he is over protective. n plus thatsz a bro's job to b nosey lyke that. n the underwear thing, he jus doesnt want u to get hurt. but over all its lyke he wants u 2 b jus lyke him =p
Boy, do I feel for you. My older brother was the same way %26amp; mom always took his side. Dad always took mine until the divorce but thank God he was gone by then.
I don't know who iniated the divorce but maybe your mom is insecure, so she lets him take over that role w/o realizing it herself.
When he does something obvious like the water let your mom see it. If you know he's on the other line tell your friend you have to go to the bathroom, then go tell your mom. Tell your mom it's creepy your brother seeing your underwear. After all you are his sister.
Basically you have to fight fire with fire. If your mom still won't do anything %26amp; if your dad's still in your life tell him. I know it starts a big fuss but you need someone in your corner. If he's not go to a school counselor %26amp; tell them what's going on.
I had to endure mine until I was almost 13. Evidently your brother has no life %26amp; like's playing man of the house w/o any of the responsibilities %26amp; expects respect w/o earning it. Your mom could be so broken from the divorce she doesn't realize what she's doing. Try talking to her if you think you can, while he's gone. Tell her how much it hurts to be treated like that.
Other than the above I don't know what you can do except give him some of his own medicine (but not enough to get caught) or endure it. My brother didn't continue living with us after 18 but after the divorce mom always went to him about what she should do, so it was still pretty bad. When I called social services %26amp; asked what I had to do to get in a foster home because of what was going on, that was a real wake up call to mom. It didn't get alot better but at least she quit raising me how my brother thought best.
I know it's hard but you have to stand up for yourself or things will only get worse.
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