Thursday, December 10, 2009

AM I to white?

i just moved out of the subarbs, i am 20 yearold african american. i moved out of my parents place into the city and some of the black people their say i act white they make fun of me and are not very welcomeing at all they say i am to white and i talk white,i now i am diffrent from them i listen to all forms of music likeclassic rock, country, hi-hop, opera, clasic soul, and triphop, my favorite bands are guns and roses, the isley brothers and the who,its hard for me to make freinds in the city my brother says to act like they act speak like they speak but when i do that i make myself look like an idiot, should i stop careing what they say and just rock on,or should i start adopting a new lifestyle , and as for girls around here i dont think the girls around my area like my style in music, and stuff can u give me some tips to approach them

AM I to white?amc theater

your not white

your just not ghetto theres a difference

and good for you guns n' roses rocks

don't you change your self for them remember

do what you like and F*U*C*K the rest

i'm sure you will make friends

you sound cool to me i'd hang out with you lol

if you need to talk my aim

screen name is concretechocobo

AM I to white?concerts opera theater

No but you am illiterate...
If white dudes listen to Rap, black people can listen to Rock! Just keep rocking man!
Rock on, man. If they can't accept you, then **** them. I'm sure there are girls who like your music, as well. Or you could be friends with white people, I mean, yeah you'd stand out, but thats better than changing your whole personality.

(Also, I'd appreciate your opinion on my question)
Don't listen to those losers. When I was a pre-teen, three black girls from New Jersey said the same thing to me. I didn't pay them any attention; my real friends would never say anything like that to me. Don't worry about it.
If you want to attract people that love the real you, then you have to act like the real you.

As long as you pretend to be something you're not, you'll attract people who are drawn to your lie....then you have to keep living it!

Just be yourself ... screw anyone who wants to put you in a box with a label on it!
Just be yourself!!! Don't listen to them... they sound really closed minded.
Just be yourself and don't try to change for anyone.
You don't have to change yourself to suit their needs! Plain and simple but what you can do since you listen to all forms of music is listen to what they like. As far as the way you talk sorry bub but they will get use to it. You manners are not "white" I am sure they are different. I am sure you mother and father taught you to respect others. Which is a good trait. So don't worry about these so called friends. They will soon fit into your life!
You need to be comfortable with who you are. Af Am don't need to listen to a certain music, or talk a certain way. That is like saying all AA's look the same. Everyone is different. You will find that cities have tons of people and you will find a group of friends that like the things you like. They will accept who you are. There will always be people who judge you and don't like what you like. Tell them that its too bad they feel that way because you rock and they will never know that.
I say you stay who you are! dont change for anyone just to please them, im sure your a very nice person and that is all that counts, if those people dont like who you are then forget them! there is many people out there who would like to be your friend.Just approach those people being yourself, not someone else and im sure youll find people that like you for you.

------Dont let anyone bring you down.--------
Dude, you should just be yourself. You should'nt have to change for anyone. If they like you the way you are then thats a true friend. The same goes for the girls if they don't like your sense of style then the hell with them.

Just remember:

"It's better to be hated for being yourself then to be loved for someone you're not."
its up to you

you either can sacrafice the music you like and all the shiit you like, so you can fit in and make friends

or you can

keep doing what your doing which is listening to the music you like and acting how you like, but you continue to be a loser.

in bobs opinion, he would try to find a middle thing where i can still do the things i like, but then be able to make friends and get girls.

But if bob had to chose bob would probobly go with choice 2 and keep doing what im doing cause even if you try to be like them and make friends theres no gaurentee they will start to like you.
just be yourself, dont act all "gangster" like them. if you do that, im sorry to say it, but white people will look at you and be thinking "look at that no good thug". make somthing of ur life, go to collage, get a good job, be a good member of this society. dont get into gangs and that **** cuz it will ruin your life. theres no such thing as "too white" but there is such thing as trash
So what, acting "black" means to be a thug and forever stuck in that lifestyle while acting "white" means being educated and sophisticated? God, stereotyping is such a piece of crap, I hate it so much.

Dude, just because you are cultured and can appreciate music that is outside of the "norm" for blacks does not make you any less black. If your new neighbours can't get over their stereotypical ignorance, then they should be the ones being rejected, not you.

Good for you for being your own person! Don't give in to conformity by adopting their lifestyle and speech patterns, go to the clubs and coffee shops and find some people that accept you for you. I know it's hard but it's worth it in the end to stay true to yourself rather than be defined by someone else.

As for approaching the girls, if they don't appreciate you for your style and taste, dont bother approach them. Seek out somebody that will like you for you.
Hello, I am in a similar situation. I am also African - American although I am very proud of my race I do "act white". might I add that you can't act a race. We are all human and I don't understand why it matters. I grew up in a white neighbor hood ( I will live there and I go to school over here) and they bust kids in from less priviledged places and they act so different from me, they constantly remind me of how white I act from Hispanic and African American people. I understood that they were confused on how different I was but it was shocking when my white friends would say it too, and I'm not going to lie, it would hurt when they would mock me on a regular basis. I understand where your coming from but us people need to keep our heads high and prove that we don't care what people think. At the moment its hard to act how you please but the future can be so much better! If you have any questions or if you just want someone to talk to email me at
cool,guns and roses rock

don't pay them any attention maybe they have culture shock.

I'm white so I'm not going there with you

but i was told that your black by heritage and not by actions right??

do you think that the influential blacks,talk and walk like those in the hood

I'm sure they carry them self better this is not a white or black trait this is a responsible adult trait.

do you think that rev Jessie Jackson hangs out on the corner and talks slang with the homies??

he carries himself with dignity and speaks correctly.

i don;t agree with what he says but do respect him as a man

where as the brothers on the corner listing to gangsta' rap

and drinking 40s while talking smack on you..

where do you suppose there headed in life..

that's what you should focus on not them but your future.

as an up and coming black man representing your race with pride..and showing the others that there is a future out side the hood,

i grew up a white guy in a poor neighbor hood in st Louis mo.

so can feel what your trying to least i think i can.

take care my brother..and don't pay them no mind..
You don't need to change yourself to be liked or to fit in-order to make friends. Believe me its not worth to change who you are for something meaningless. I am Ethiopian and to be honest, i am not welcome by either white or blacks in most situations but i only try to be fair, kind and friendly and most importantly i ALWAYS be myself and if ppl accept me for who i am its great but if they can't that's OK too. I'd rather see many ppl change educationally, physically and mentally rather than changing who they are. The bottom line is stop being too hard on yoyourself, just be urself. No matter what!

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