Thursday, December 10, 2009

Has your taste in music broadened over time?

When I was a kid, I listened mostly to pop.

When I was a teen, I listened mostly to hard rock and metal.

When I was in my 20's, I listened mostly to techno.

Now I'm in my 30's and I listen to all of these styles and more, and the few styles I don't particularly care for (punk, country, opera) I can at least appreciate.

How about you? Has your taste in music also broadened over time?

Has your taste in music broadened over time?mr messed up

Mine has. I now listen to oldies, rap, r%26amp;b, punk, ska, ect.... except country. I don't know what it is about country but I don't know why it is not appealing to me.

Has your taste in music broadened over time?getting late opera theater

Growing up I would listen to all kinds of music. Now that I'm much older I basically only listen to country.
I'm probably older than most, war baby.... sounds better than OAP, For sure hope it keeps on .... but running out of time...
I listen to it all. Mostly R%26amp;B but other styles are really rocking these past few years.
the same as you although I have found that I love opera and country too
Yeah, definately. Up until I was about 12 all I listened to was country. Then I started listening to alot of pop and dance music in jr. high. In high school I started going more for hard rock. Now I'm almost 23 and I have a very wide array of genres that I listen too. Everything from country to metal. Its pretty much a mixture of everything I listened to over time.
Boy has it ever.

When I was in Jr. High I liked *gasp* smooth jazz...ouch.

When I was in High School I liked grunge, metal, and all around alternative.

Since then I've delved into all sorts of stuff, indie stuff, mostly.

I've also always liked true jazz (stayed far far away from the smooth jazz stuff since my earlier years), but have gradually increased my appreciation for it as time has gone on.
In the '80s I was into pop rock (liked Heart and Queensryche), in the 90s, I liked music from the '70s (Led Zepplin) and now it's alterative bands (like Devics).
Well to tell you the truth as I am getting older I seem to be going back to the music I listened to when I was younger. I enjoy most types of music: rock, pop, classical, some country, hard rock, jazz and blues. How is that for eclectic?

But lately the music I have been listening to is from the 60s and 70s so I don't know if it has broadened but it sure has changed a whole lot.

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