Thursday, December 10, 2009

I love music but can't keep up with punk the same as it was 4 years ago?

I listen to everything, conscious hip hop, rap, r and b, dance, techno, rock, alternative, opera, pop, soul, jazz, almost everything....anyways, I haven't really listened to punk in the last 4 years...

Goldfinger, Less Than Jake, Rufio...uh, they still around? Or has the scene changed?

I love music but can't keep up with punk the same as it was 4 years ago?movie theater

I am not a punk listener but I am very much into trance . techno, progressive, house, lo-fi, psychedelic etc, and truly the scene has changed over the yrs in these streams atleats as the new generations come in they get their own remixes and their own unique stuff so yeah music world keeps changing periodically not much of a difference wud be there but surely some change will definately be there as it's a competitive world and to better oneself from the other is wat makes one make new stuffs.

I love music but can't keep up with punk the same as it was 4 years ago?tickets opera theater

While I'm not a "punk" music expert, I can tell you the scene has and is changing. In fact, punk these days isn't even punk. Punk these days is...Fall out boy/Green Day...yuck...Thats pretty much how it all is now. It's all "pop-punk" or MTV brainwashing teens into thinking that a band (such as falloutboy) is any good or punk, based on clothing mostly.

I think some of those bands are still around. I know I still am listening to Goldfinger these days.

Again, I'm not a punk genius but I know enough to answer.

What are some songs that Marie Antoinette may have listened to?

Marie Antoinette aka Maria Antonia Josefa Johanna von Habsburg-Lothringen (November 2, 1755 - October 16, 1793) was born an Archduchess of Austria, and later became Queen of France and Navarre. I am wanting to know what songs she may have listened to during her life. I know that she was an opera fan and was a patron of the composer Gl眉ck (her music teacher). I have also read that she played the harp and harpsichord. My question is - What are some specific songs Marie Antoinette may have listened to? I am interested in listening to some specific examples.

What are some songs that Marie Antoinette may have listened to?home theater

Marie Antoinette was a great opera fan, so she must have appreciated the excellent acoustics of the Royal Opera Hall. She brought with her from Vienna a love for music that was meant to appeal to the heart, in stark contrast to French music, whose emphasis on harmony appealed more to the listener's head.

Marie Antoinette was a major champion and patron of the composer Gl眉ck, whose operas had audiences in both Paris and Versailles in tears. Despite or perhaps because of the popularity of the new music, Marie Antoinette's association with this foreign influence was used against her by enemies at court, who blamed her for the German music that stole the hearts of the French public.

Stage Works (From

Artaserse, Milan 26 December 1741

Demetrio, Venice 2 May 1742

Demofoonte, Milan 6 January 1743

Tigrane, Crema 26 September 1743

Sofonisba (or Siface), Milan 18 January 1744

La finta schiava Venice 13 May 1744

Ipermestra, Venice 21 November 1744

Poro, Turin 26 December 1744

Ippolito, Milan 31 January 1745

La caduta de' Giganti Haymarket Theatre, London 7 January 1746

Artamene, Haymarket Theatre, London 4 March 1746

Le nozze d'Ercole e d'Ebe Pillnitz 29 June 1747

La Semiramide riconosciuta, Aachen 5 May 1748

La contesa de' Numi Charlottenburg 9 April 1749

Ezio Prague 26 December 1749

Issipile Prague 1751-1752

La clemenza di Tito, Naples 4 November 1752

Le Cinesi, Vienna, 24 September 1754

La Danza, Vienna, 5 May 1755

L'innocenza giustificata, Vienna, 8 December 1755

Antigono, Rome, 9 February 1756

Il r猫 pastore, Vienna, 8 December 1756

La fausse esclave, Vienna, 8 January 1758

L'ile de Merlin, ou Le monde renvers茅, Vienna, 3 October 1758

La Cyth猫re assi茅g茅e, Vienna, early 1759

Le diable 脿 quatre, ou La double m茅tamorphose 1759

L'arbre enchant茅, ou Le tuteur dup茅 1759

L'ivrogne corrig茅, Vienna, April 1760

Tetide, Vienna, 10 October 1760

Don Juan (ballet), Vienna, 17 October 1761

Le cadi dup茅, Vienna, 9 December 1761

Orfeo ed Euridice, Vienna 5 October 1762, revised Paris 2 August 1774, score

Il trionfo di Clelia, Bologna, 14 May 1763

La rencontre impr茅vue, Vienna, 7 January 1764

Il Parnaso Confuso, Vienna, 24 January 1765

Telemaco, o sia l'isola di Circe, Vienna, 30 January 1765

La Corona (unperformed, planned for 4 October 1765)

Il Prologo, 1767 (introductory music for an opera by Traetta)

Alceste, Vienna 26 December 1767, revised Paris 23 April 1776, score

Le Feste d'Apollo, Parma, 24 August 1769

Paride ed Elena, Vienna 3 November 1770

Iphig茅nie en Aulide, Paris 19 April 1774, score

Armide, Paris 23 September 1777, score

Iphig茅nie en Tauride, Paris 18 May 1779

Echo et Narcisse, Paris 24 September 1779, score

What are some songs that Marie Antoinette may have listened to?comedy club opera theater

I think her favorite song is "You Really Got Me" by Van Halen. But she also likes jazz a lot, so you'd find a lot of Norah Jones in her iPod.

She's also into new wave music like Indochine, but only when she's drunk.

AM I to white?

i just moved out of the subarbs, i am 20 yearold african american. i moved out of my parents place into the city and some of the black people their say i act white they make fun of me and are not very welcomeing at all they say i am to white and i talk white,i now i am diffrent from them i listen to all forms of music likeclassic rock, country, hi-hop, opera, clasic soul, and triphop, my favorite bands are guns and roses, the isley brothers and the who,its hard for me to make freinds in the city my brother says to act like they act speak like they speak but when i do that i make myself look like an idiot, should i stop careing what they say and just rock on,or should i start adopting a new lifestyle , and as for girls around here i dont think the girls around my area like my style in music, and stuff can u give me some tips to approach them

AM I to white?amc theater

your not white

your just not ghetto theres a difference

and good for you guns n' roses rocks

don't you change your self for them remember

do what you like and F*U*C*K the rest

i'm sure you will make friends

you sound cool to me i'd hang out with you lol

if you need to talk my aim

screen name is concretechocobo

AM I to white?concerts opera theater

No but you am illiterate...
If white dudes listen to Rap, black people can listen to Rock! Just keep rocking man!
Rock on, man. If they can't accept you, then **** them. I'm sure there are girls who like your music, as well. Or you could be friends with white people, I mean, yeah you'd stand out, but thats better than changing your whole personality.

(Also, I'd appreciate your opinion on my question)
Don't listen to those losers. When I was a pre-teen, three black girls from New Jersey said the same thing to me. I didn't pay them any attention; my real friends would never say anything like that to me. Don't worry about it.
If you want to attract people that love the real you, then you have to act like the real you.

As long as you pretend to be something you're not, you'll attract people who are drawn to your lie....then you have to keep living it!

Just be yourself ... screw anyone who wants to put you in a box with a label on it!
Just be yourself!!! Don't listen to them... they sound really closed minded.
Just be yourself and don't try to change for anyone.
You don't have to change yourself to suit their needs! Plain and simple but what you can do since you listen to all forms of music is listen to what they like. As far as the way you talk sorry bub but they will get use to it. You manners are not "white" I am sure they are different. I am sure you mother and father taught you to respect others. Which is a good trait. So don't worry about these so called friends. They will soon fit into your life!
You need to be comfortable with who you are. Af Am don't need to listen to a certain music, or talk a certain way. That is like saying all AA's look the same. Everyone is different. You will find that cities have tons of people and you will find a group of friends that like the things you like. They will accept who you are. There will always be people who judge you and don't like what you like. Tell them that its too bad they feel that way because you rock and they will never know that.
I say you stay who you are! dont change for anyone just to please them, im sure your a very nice person and that is all that counts, if those people dont like who you are then forget them! there is many people out there who would like to be your friend.Just approach those people being yourself, not someone else and im sure youll find people that like you for you.

------Dont let anyone bring you down.--------
Dude, you should just be yourself. You should'nt have to change for anyone. If they like you the way you are then thats a true friend. The same goes for the girls if they don't like your sense of style then the hell with them.

Just remember:

"It's better to be hated for being yourself then to be loved for someone you're not."
its up to you

you either can sacrafice the music you like and all the shiit you like, so you can fit in and make friends

or you can

keep doing what your doing which is listening to the music you like and acting how you like, but you continue to be a loser.

in bobs opinion, he would try to find a middle thing where i can still do the things i like, but then be able to make friends and get girls.

But if bob had to chose bob would probobly go with choice 2 and keep doing what im doing cause even if you try to be like them and make friends theres no gaurentee they will start to like you.
just be yourself, dont act all "gangster" like them. if you do that, im sorry to say it, but white people will look at you and be thinking "look at that no good thug". make somthing of ur life, go to collage, get a good job, be a good member of this society. dont get into gangs and that **** cuz it will ruin your life. theres no such thing as "too white" but there is such thing as trash
So what, acting "black" means to be a thug and forever stuck in that lifestyle while acting "white" means being educated and sophisticated? God, stereotyping is such a piece of crap, I hate it so much.

Dude, just because you are cultured and can appreciate music that is outside of the "norm" for blacks does not make you any less black. If your new neighbours can't get over their stereotypical ignorance, then they should be the ones being rejected, not you.

Good for you for being your own person! Don't give in to conformity by adopting their lifestyle and speech patterns, go to the clubs and coffee shops and find some people that accept you for you. I know it's hard but it's worth it in the end to stay true to yourself rather than be defined by someone else.

As for approaching the girls, if they don't appreciate you for your style and taste, dont bother approach them. Seek out somebody that will like you for you.
Hello, I am in a similar situation. I am also African - American although I am very proud of my race I do "act white". might I add that you can't act a race. We are all human and I don't understand why it matters. I grew up in a white neighbor hood ( I will live there and I go to school over here) and they bust kids in from less priviledged places and they act so different from me, they constantly remind me of how white I act from Hispanic and African American people. I understood that they were confused on how different I was but it was shocking when my white friends would say it too, and I'm not going to lie, it would hurt when they would mock me on a regular basis. I understand where your coming from but us people need to keep our heads high and prove that we don't care what people think. At the moment its hard to act how you please but the future can be so much better! If you have any questions or if you just want someone to talk to email me at
cool,guns and roses rock

don't pay them any attention maybe they have culture shock.

I'm white so I'm not going there with you

but i was told that your black by heritage and not by actions right??

do you think that the influential blacks,talk and walk like those in the hood

I'm sure they carry them self better this is not a white or black trait this is a responsible adult trait.

do you think that rev Jessie Jackson hangs out on the corner and talks slang with the homies??

he carries himself with dignity and speaks correctly.

i don;t agree with what he says but do respect him as a man

where as the brothers on the corner listing to gangsta' rap

and drinking 40s while talking smack on you..

where do you suppose there headed in life..

that's what you should focus on not them but your future.

as an up and coming black man representing your race with pride..and showing the others that there is a future out side the hood,

i grew up a white guy in a poor neighbor hood in st Louis mo.

so can feel what your trying to least i think i can.

take care my brother..and don't pay them no mind..
You don't need to change yourself to be liked or to fit in-order to make friends. Believe me its not worth to change who you are for something meaningless. I am Ethiopian and to be honest, i am not welcome by either white or blacks in most situations but i only try to be fair, kind and friendly and most importantly i ALWAYS be myself and if ppl accept me for who i am its great but if they can't that's OK too. I'd rather see many ppl change educationally, physically and mentally rather than changing who they are. The bottom line is stop being too hard on yoyourself, just be urself. No matter what!

Did Pavarotti ever work with Jay-Z?

I wanted to listen to some of his music, but all I find is opera stuff. Is there any hip-hop stylings of this singer out there?

Did Pavarotti ever work with Jay-Z?movie theatre

I'd pay money to see that!

Did Pavarotti ever work with Jay-Z?playhouse opera theater

no pavarotti never work with jay-z, and if he did i'ave not heard it.

More Music Questions! Does anyone know of any female singers like Evanescence but a little bit heavi

I know of Lacuna Coil, Otep, Kittie, Paramore, StaticHeaven(tribute to Evanescence), Avirl Lavigne's SECOND album, Unfinished Thought (Good band! Look them up!) Vincent Black Shadow, and Flyleaf. Those bands are okay, but they just aren't heavy enough for me.. And bands like Kittie and Otep are Too heavy... (YUSH I'M PICKY! %26gt;%26lt;) so anywhere in between them would be awesome! I wouldn't even mind if the band was Japanese but that's really the only foreign language I listen to and they CAN'T BE GIRLY! %26gt;%26lt; Also nothing too Opera-ish like Nightwish (Sorry all fans, just not my style.. %26lt;3) Thanks for reading and please comment! %26lt;3!!




More Music Questions! Does anyone know of any female singers like Evanescence but a little bit heavier?imax theater

The Gathering



Faith %26amp; the Muse

The new Nightwish CD has a new female singer,...the operatic vocals are gone.

More Music Questions! Does anyone know of any female singers like Evanescence but a little bit heavier?classical music opera theater

well i'm not sure if they're heavy enough for you but Meg %26amp; Dia is really good
I LOVE this kind of music

Octavia Sperati (They are hard to find but if you go to and type them in you can find some good music)

Within Temptation (newer stuff is heavier)

Shadow play

In tenebris

Epica (Kinda opera-ish but good)



Leaves eyes




Theatre of Tragedy


meg and dia are good you should try to listen to them or not try looking it up in the internet a bit more less what you want! You do have some good taste on certain music because mostly everybody doesn't. well for now thats all the information i can give you, good luck!!!
Kidneythieves - Zerospace album

KMFDM's newer albums have a woman fronting on some songs - Lucia Cifarelli.

She also has a solo album 'From the land of volcanoes' but I've never heard it.
all I can think of is within temptation...I've only heard a few of their songs though...
Give her about twenty more years; she'll be heavier.
Try Doro Pesch as a solo artist and her Warlock material. I recommend her last studio album called Warrior Soul or the album Fight.
Some stuff from my collection. I can go lighter or harder than...



Beautiful Sin


Mandragora Scream




Strat or Tele? Which should i get?

i am looking for a new guitar and i think i hav settled on either a strat or a tele. i hav an acoustic now thats a piece of crap. i hav to push down the strings so hard just to get a good note out of it and yes i hav tried to bend back the fret board or wut ever and it still hasnt been playin good. ive wanted a electric from the getgo but my dad got me a acouctic instead. so now i want an electric. ok i listen to a ton of different types of music, excpet for like opera and screamo an dheavy detah metal. i hate that kind of stuff. but i listen to country rock oldies pop r and b rap hip hop dance techo. u get the pic. anyways i want to know what guitar would be better for me. and also is the only difference the way they are shaped? thanks soooooooo much!

Strat or Tele? Which should i get?dream theater

no they arent the same a tele has more of a old school kinda sound they have different pick ups a strat is the best bet for your first electric

Can You Name this Aria??

In the movie, "The Boondock Saints" there is a scene where Agent Smecka is investigating a crime scene (its his first appearance in the movie) and he is listening to an aria from a certain opera. I will give 10 points to the person who names

1.The Name of the Aria

2. What opera it is from

3.By which composer

and if you can (this will boost your chances) to tell the origional language it was written in.

(yes I already know that answer but I feel like giving points to someone)

Can You Name this Aria??amc theatre

"Si, mi chiamano Mimi" from La Boheme by Puccini.

I think that it's originally in Italian.

What do you do when you are feeling down that really helps cheer you up?

For me, it is closing my eyes and listening to my favorite music. I love opera and classical music. I find it very uplifting to the spirit, and can imagine myself soaring amidst the stars. My daughter walked in on me the other day as I had my eyes closed and was waving my arms like the mad conductor while listening to Beethoven's 9th symphony. The look on her face was priceless! She must have thought I was completely bananas!

What works for you? I'm open to suggestions, as long as it isn't raiding the fridge!

What do you do when you are feeling down that really helps cheer you up?imax theatre

Getting outside. It doesn't matter what I do as long as it is outside.

What do you do when you are feeling down that really helps cheer you up?performing show opera theater

go for a ride on my cycle
go shopping or hang out with good friends.
playing paintball is the best especially when you hit someone it makes it that much better
Exercising, boxing/hit a punching bag, paintball, basketball, and I love to go outside when it's storming and watch the lightning. Try video games like the new NIntendo Wii, it's actually really fun and you may be able to play with your daughter. Just try to get outside and get some sun and do something physical. Exercise creates endorphins and they make you happy! :)
Singing out loud always cheers me up.

Playing with my daughter and really acting more childish than her is also nice.

Going out with friends.

Other than that, i am here on Yahoo answers....

It's too hot to go for a walk here in Abu Dhabi.

I used to raid my fridge but now i keep only the basics in it so i won't be tempted.
If you are in Egypt a long walk close to the Nile will change your mood completely.

If you are outside Egypt dream of the Nile and listen to the new song for Sherin "Mashrebtish men Nilha" or dream of the kornich in Alexandria while you close your eyes and listen to an old song "Shat eskendriah ramana el hawa"

If once you try this, please tell me the result.
Fast ride on the motorbike.

Rock beats scissors. Thrill beats depression.
Before, I would drive my car when I'm feeling down or depressed. Now as I do not drive in Egypt, I talk to my closest friends, write my thoughts and feelings out, or read some Quraan. Sometimes listening to some good music helps too
like Wise Mind said...if you were near the Nile,go there and just leave all your worries in it...He's good listener(it's even better with songs by dalida:like 7elwa ya i don't live there(i live on the Suez canal),i go to the sea and do the same thing,maybe with a song by monir"ba7r el 7yah"

second thing is chocolaaaaaaate,when am depressed i eat pounds of chocolate,it relaxes me...
think of all the dead ones in the valley and how many more are there undiscovered, and of course DER VOGELFANGER BIN ICH JA (MOZART) COSI VAN TUTE
i always listen to music when i'm down n feeling depressed...i ride the car n let someone drive quickly in an empty street, i close my eyes and open the window so i can feel the air freshing me, i listen to my favorite music at this time which is soft rock or maybe classic music like enya, era and loreena mcknetti to relax...
i share my depression with someone who is talented in getting you out of the groomy moods.

What song are you listening to right now?

iam listening to:that's all i ask of you-phantom of the opera

i love that song :)

What song are you listening to right now?shows


What song are you listening to right now?comedy show opera theater

nothing the cars passing by!
I don't care much from Cabaret
The Cyrkle, "Red Rubber Ball".
evanescence: heart shaped box
Start all over - Miley Cyrus
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
hank williams sr
voodoo - godsmack
paper cut by Linkin Park
never to late by 3 days grace
Into the new world- So nyeo shi dae (k-pop I don't know if I spelled it right o__o)
i am listening to a piano concerto played on pride and prejudice
tusk fleetwood mac
I'm listening to the NCAA basketball game ,and my dog snoring :))
Jack Johnson's - Cocoon
not a second to waste by a rocket to the moon
great song.

all i hear is people talking. i'm at work.
hannah montna-rockstar
SOS-Jonas Brothers
simple plan - what if
umbrella by rihanna
"World Destruction" by Time Zone!! Cool song!~~
rock star. Wow that is really weird i wonder if we are physic or something i was just thinking about posting a question about that.
Blow out

caught me at the wrong time. melt with you by modern english
Eve 6

Here's To The Night

Would a movie about Lynyrd Skynyrd be cool?

Not a biography. Rather a skewed perspective and perhaps timeline. Following the lives of bandmembers, fans et al.

I got the idea from listening to Drive-by Truckers "Southern Rock Opera". The album could build alot of the plot.

Would a movie about Lynyrd Skynyrd be cool?concert venue

a concert dvd

Would a movie about Lynyrd Skynyrd be cool?events opera theaterI was going to say, hey they have a biography on the band and a concert dvd, but I see your talking about a movie kinda like the "Walk the Line" Johnny Cash movie. That would be pretty awesome! Report It

No, the band sucks, so a movie about them would also suck.
I personally think it would suck. I hate those ******* rednecks.
yeah that would be an awesome movie!!!!!!!!
Definately. Lynyrd Skynyrd still has a lot of fans, and even people who aren't might watch it.
dude,or dudet i really love the idea and i think it would be a beyond awesome idea i think if some one attempted it. it would be a smash hit
I would go see it! I think that's a great idea! They were/are one of the best bands still around!
Great idea! something kinda like walk the line like they just did for johnny cash! only a lynyrd skynyrd one would be great! i'd go see it!

Does anybody have a brother like this?.. hes driving me insane and nobody understands?

ok hes 20 years old. no job. no gf, ever in his life. lives @ home, goes to college 3 days a week. watches jeopardy everyday. listens to classical music or religious catholic opera-like music. he has like 3 or 4 friends but none of them really hang out with him. hes constantly judging me. today i wouldn't give him the remote for the tv so dumps a waterbottle all over me. he said this to me "o my gosh gina every day that you don't have school you always get calls on that phone and your always hanging out with your friends. your obsessed with them. you dont like hanging out with your family" my parents are divorced and he thinks hes the man of the house. if my mom has to take me to a friends house he insists on coming along for the ride. if my mom wants to take me underwear shopping he goes along and nods his head in disapproval when he sees me buying thonhgs. (even though my mom approves of them)... he reads over my shoulder when im on aim. we have 2 phones in the house, and if someone

Does anybody have a brother like this?.. hes driving me insane and nobody understands?performing shows

And if someone...? No offense, but he's a cock who watches you like a hawk. I don't know why he does, but he's not the man of the house. You should have a talk with him. Tell him he's not the man of the house. He lives his life, you live yours. You're old enough that he doesn't need to be watching everything you do. You don't watch him, so why should he? He needs a job, a girlfriend, a home, and more friends. There's three things that are coming out of his behaviour. 1, he doesn't want you following the wrong path in life2, he thinks that just because your parents are divorced, he's in your father's position now, and he can do whatever he wants with you, and 3, he's becoming "drunk" on the power he has now. Just because you hang out with your friends a lot doesn't mean you hate your family. You spend time with them. Tell him he needs a life, because he can't be living off your parents anymore. He needs to be responsible. He needs a job and his own pay. Sure, he goes to college, but he should make money in his free time instead of doing nothing. And dumping a waterbottle on you? Now that's just childish. He can't be judging you either. Tell him to give you some space so you can make your own decisions. You can't have him controlling your life, because that would be like him playing god.

Does anybody have a brother like this?.. hes driving me insane and nobody understands?say yes opera theater

sure dosen't sound like the Cleaver family, you need ward, or june to settle this one.................
Is your brother my ex?
He just cares about you.
I think there is at least one person in a family that is like this. It is the guy who never has a girlfriend and still lives at home with the parents until they die and he inherits the house.

I am sorry!
the reason nobody understands is that everyone hates their bro! my bro is a 22 year old drunk wihtought a job. sure you gotta hate em but love em at the same time. tell him how you feel. it worked for me!
mines the opposite...LOL...u should tell him he's a lazy ****
O my gosh, I am so... grrrr!

he sounds so annoying, just because he doesn't have any friends he gives you a hard time, tell you mom to make him but out!

you have your own life and don't need him babysitting you all the time
oh my! He sounds like he really needs to get laid, find some friends and leave the house every once and a while.

I'm not sure what you can do about it, but i sure feel sorry for you. My brother will stir me up all day if he has the chance, he's a jerk - but my bro sounds easier to handle than yours.

Why dont you point all this out to him and see what he says.
dude, everybody has an annoying brother like that. if he's a stranger, its easy to dump or ignore him. but he's your brother y know. blood is thicker than u know what..
I have 4 older brothers and 1 younger brother, my older brothers were the same with me when we all were living at home and what i figured out that they only wanted to piss me off and make my life a living hell.They were all just so lazy and they all thought the were man of the house. What you have to do is think of someway to pay him back,have you heard of the saying pay back is a *****? it just sounds like that he wants to piss you off and he is just so jealous of you because you have a life and he don't have one.
find him a girl to distract him with maybe hehe
u should write a note saying how u hate yur family and that u are at a friends house until yur brother moves away to college and yur mom starts treating u like a woman...and that the way u wud find out that he moved away was that they wud put an article in the newspaper saying that he finally moved out. and just stay at one of yur friends house until that happens
yea my brothers more a swearing horrible cant do anything mean slob=] you need privacy .. a lock on your room. its a bit wrong when your going underware shopping and he comes allong . my mum and i go together without my brothers. try speak to your mum uin rivate when he's not home to get a lock for your door. tel her you need your privacy.and that he is jsut invading every space of it . i haev a lock on my bedroom door tis the best =D also he shouldnt be reading through your magazines or going through your packpak i mean. gosh thats wrong. whatabout goign through your stuff will he??? my brother stole my diiary. adn thats what i use for when im angry i write everythignn i need to say to get outa my head. its better than screaming it in his face and because my brother is the one who makes me upset most i write about him and how i hate him . maybe you could keep a diary it might help with your anger??? and hide it all :) hide everything you need to hide . i had a fishing rod onece and apparently its a really godo one so my brother wanted to use it i didnt let him and so i bluetacked it to under my bed frame he was serarching for hours and couldnt find it =] lol.. i cant exactly help you that much.ask your mum if you can move into your dads house?? if he's a god guy. or get your brother tp move in with him. i really cant help you but wish you all the best =] i hope everything gets good =] xxxxx
your brother is a bonafide geek, and may even be GAY. When a man acts like this, and concentrates on other people's lives, that just means that they are not satisfied with theirs. You are doing a very good job at telling your friends to call you on your cell only because your brother can't mind his own business. You ought to tell your brother to leave you alone or just move out of your parents house so that he can have a life to manage and let you handle your own life.
pretend he's not there just ignore him
omg my bro is the same way. itsz annoying as hell. but im startin to get the fact that he is over protective. n plus thatsz a bro's job to b nosey lyke that. n the underwear thing, he jus doesnt want u to get hurt. but over all its lyke he wants u 2 b jus lyke him =p
Boy, do I feel for you. My older brother was the same way %26amp; mom always took his side. Dad always took mine until the divorce but thank God he was gone by then.

I don't know who iniated the divorce but maybe your mom is insecure, so she lets him take over that role w/o realizing it herself.

When he does something obvious like the water let your mom see it. If you know he's on the other line tell your friend you have to go to the bathroom, then go tell your mom. Tell your mom it's creepy your brother seeing your underwear. After all you are his sister.

Basically you have to fight fire with fire. If your mom still won't do anything %26amp; if your dad's still in your life tell him. I know it starts a big fuss but you need someone in your corner. If he's not go to a school counselor %26amp; tell them what's going on.

I had to endure mine until I was almost 13. Evidently your brother has no life %26amp; like's playing man of the house w/o any of the responsibilities %26amp; expects respect w/o earning it. Your mom could be so broken from the divorce she doesn't realize what she's doing. Try talking to her if you think you can, while he's gone. Tell her how much it hurts to be treated like that.

Other than the above I don't know what you can do except give him some of his own medicine (but not enough to get caught) or endure it. My brother didn't continue living with us after 18 but after the divorce mom always went to him about what she should do, so it was still pretty bad. When I called social services %26amp; asked what I had to do to get in a foster home because of what was going on, that was a real wake up call to mom. It didn't get alot better but at least she quit raising me how my brother thought best.

I know it's hard but you have to stand up for yourself or things will only get worse.

Has your taste in music broadened over time?

When I was a kid, I listened mostly to pop.

When I was a teen, I listened mostly to hard rock and metal.

When I was in my 20's, I listened mostly to techno.

Now I'm in my 30's and I listen to all of these styles and more, and the few styles I don't particularly care for (punk, country, opera) I can at least appreciate.

How about you? Has your taste in music also broadened over time?

Has your taste in music broadened over time?mr messed up

Mine has. I now listen to oldies, rap, r%26amp;b, punk, ska, ect.... except country. I don't know what it is about country but I don't know why it is not appealing to me.

Has your taste in music broadened over time?getting late opera theater

Growing up I would listen to all kinds of music. Now that I'm much older I basically only listen to country.
I'm probably older than most, war baby.... sounds better than OAP, For sure hope it keeps on .... but running out of time...
I listen to it all. Mostly R%26amp;B but other styles are really rocking these past few years.
the same as you although I have found that I love opera and country too
Yeah, definately. Up until I was about 12 all I listened to was country. Then I started listening to alot of pop and dance music in jr. high. In high school I started going more for hard rock. Now I'm almost 23 and I have a very wide array of genres that I listen too. Everything from country to metal. Its pretty much a mixture of everything I listened to over time.
Boy has it ever.

When I was in Jr. High I liked *gasp* smooth jazz...ouch.

When I was in High School I liked grunge, metal, and all around alternative.

Since then I've delved into all sorts of stuff, indie stuff, mostly.

I've also always liked true jazz (stayed far far away from the smooth jazz stuff since my earlier years), but have gradually increased my appreciation for it as time has gone on.
In the '80s I was into pop rock (liked Heart and Queensryche), in the 90s, I liked music from the '70s (Led Zepplin) and now it's alterative bands (like Devics).
Well to tell you the truth as I am getting older I seem to be going back to the music I listened to when I was younger. I enjoy most types of music: rock, pop, classical, some country, hard rock, jazz and blues. How is that for eclectic?

But lately the music I have been listening to is from the 60s and 70s so I don't know if it has broadened but it sure has changed a whole lot.

Please help me to write a tactful answer to the letter below?

The answer should be tactful in which i don't accept an invitation. My teacher is going to ask me to read it today but i still haven't done anything about it.Please help

Here's the letter

Dear joshua

I really appreciate the invitation to go with you to see the Philip Glass opera. I like classical opera, but, as you know, Philip Glass is a contemporary composer. I find his operas long and unexciting despite the good reviews they have received. His music, which i like to listen to when i mediate, is not what i'd prefer to listen to while sitting for four hours. AIDA is what i would like to see. I have tickets for next month for the two of us.

As ever, Karen

Please help me to write a tactful answer to the letter below?tickets

I don't think anyone is going to actually just sit and do your homework for you. Take the letter and reply step by step, for example...

For the first sentence, a polite reply: "Thank you for writing back and letting me know."

For the second sentence, again a polite reply: "I am aware that you like classical opera, but I was not fully aware of your distinct preferences."

For the third sentence: "I understand your perspective, even though it is different from my own."

Continue in this way, and you will have no trouble finishing the assignment.

Please help me to write a tactful answer to the letter below?ballet opera theater

Tell her that you respect her oppinion and cant' wait to attend the AIDA with her-
Agree with her about Philip Glass (but don't agree too much - after all, you invited her!) and be enthusiastic and thankful about her AIDA tickets. Mainly, even if you were hurt and disappointed she didn't want to go to the opera, just be polite and don't write anything that would make people take offense. That's all you need to do to be tactful.
I'd suggest that you write the tactful response yourself, then post it here for input of any advice/changes we think might improve it.

I'm sure I can guarantee you'd get a better response than just asking someone here to do your assignment for you - :)

Recommendations for a guy who loves Nevermore?

OK, so I love the metal band Nevermore. I just can't get enough of its songs' wide variety in tempos and styles, macabre permeations, and most especially Warrel Dane's opera-influenced vocals. My question is, what similar bands out there should I be listening to?

Here's the address of their Myspace, if you'd like to take a listen:

Recommendations for a guy who loves Nevermore?comedy club

Jag Panzer

Iced Earth

Recommendations for a guy who loves Nevermore?sheet music opera theater

Fear Factory....Obsolete is a good album

Caliban.....These guys might be a little more hardcore than metal. If your looking for more metal.

Dimmu Borgir....more dark not so thrash.

Job For A Cowboy......Not too into my friend likes them.

preschool tea party massacre.....:)

I'm not too much of a metal head I have more of a hardcore influence but I hope these ain't people you already know!:)
scars - paparoach
Check out Trouble. Warrel was in that band before Nevermore

* Am I just TOO weird??? *?

Here goes.

I have tons of books in my room, from Stephen King to Jane Austen. I listen to most music, from Megadeth to Josh Groban, and Phantom of the Opera. I write, and play guitar, but also gym and run, and take archery lessons, as well as some self-defecen classes. I play pc games, XBox, I dance, I sing, and I even have model cars in my room, right next to a print of one of VanGogh's paintings...

I love Underworld movies, Blade movies, and the Moulin Rouge movie, and Pride and Prejudice.

I cry at the end of Moulin Rouge, but when someone dies, I don't shed a tear.

I'm dominating, yet a bit afraid of guys. They would never say so.

I keep my body to myself, and believe that i should only cuddle up and such things with a boyfriend, and not every other guy...

Am I too mixed up and strange to handle for some people? Especially guys?

* Am I just TOO weird??? *?concerts

no babe if i wasn't in a relationship I'd go out with someone like you in a second your like my twin

* Am I just TOO weird??? *?headache opera theater

Wow! Why is it I don't believe you could do all those things?
You sound really normal to me. Just have a lot of spirit I think.
Why do you think you can impress people by claiming to be weird?
what is strange about having mulitiple things that you like?
mayb to sum ppl but every one is different so they have to deal w it!
No...i think you are very interesting and a varied person; but not strange. Would like to meet u...

Do you know that Da Vinci was an artist, an architect, a scientest, knew biology all at the same time...?
...Marry me.

i admire u.....dont worry we both r similar...
No, you sound totally perfect and a well rounded individual, with wide ranging interests. If I wasn't most assuredly too old for you, I would be on bended knee right now and asking, nay demanding your hand in marriage.

PS, have you read any of the new Dune books by Frank Herbert's son Brian and Kevin J. Anderson? Start with the Butlerian Jihad and you will really enjoy them.

Take care my dear, and keep on keepin' on, and don't worry about how you are. If any guy or person is threatened by the way you are, just move on----NEXT!!!
"My Room" indicates your still inside the cage at home, not yet free to soar. Having a broad expanse of mental stimulus is a good thing and shows a high energy level. I think you will find that a path in life that leads to a job in marketing with heavy social interaction with customers is what you need in life.

When the right guy comes along , BAM , the hormones break all the rules and you wont be in control just like he wont. Love springs up regardless of your plans. Trust me.

P.S. Megadeth Roxx

And you're not weird, From what i read anyway.
NO !!!! you are have varied interests and are a unique obviously don't follow any crowd and make your own way...that is unusual a good way. there are few out there like you so don't change, don't think you're're just plain incredible so celebrate your uniqueness...
XBox? Yeah, you are weird. Everything else is normal though.
absolutely not, it sounds to me like you are very smart and well rounded and talented, and anyone would be lucky to be even friends with you!

if a guy can't handle that, then he's probably jealous that you are so intreaguing, and full of personality. it's nice to hear of people being individuals still, when there is such a mob mentality these days. hang in there, and only give your time and your cuddling to those who can appreciate it and therefore are deserving.
You sound like an interesting individual. I have many different interests, just like you, but I never feel weird.
sounds like my kind of girl
No. I think your ego is to large to handle for some people, especially guys...
You sound like a complex person not a weird one.
You seem fairly normal and most people are complex individuals, life would be pretty boring otherwise
No, everybody has weird taste.

I play guitar, piano, and baritone ukulele, and I sing.

One of my favorite genres of classical music is minimalist music.

And I'm really, really into linguistics.

Believe me, I'm plenty weird.

Other than trying to be a good person, you shouldn't worry about what guys think of you. If a guy wouldn't want to be with a person like you, he's not the guy for you anyway.
Nah, you don't even come CLOSE to wierd. A lot of people have a variety of interests. Just a lot of people don't ADMIT they have a variety of interests. You'll run into a lot of people who put up a front, this is who I am, this is what I like. . . but get to know them, and poof! you see a whole other side. A bubbly, pink lipsticked cheerleader turns out to be a HUGE Cruxshadows fan, a guy with a big, spikey mohawk who listens to Rancid publicly- knows how to Irish step dance or something, but you won't find out things like this until you get to know them pretty well. Don't worry about it- just do what you do. Anyone who won't respect that is shallow.
some people may find your interests to be too scattered and diverse but personally i like your style. u r interesting

Question bout the EnV cell phone ..?

I just got this cell phone today but my mom told me that when she called me it said "Please wait while you listen to this music" or something like that then it plays this weird opera kind of music and i dont mean my ringtone. I dont have any clue of how the change it. Could someone tell me how pleaseeee ??

Question bout the EnV cell phone ..?playhouse

im not sure how to chane it, but that's your call back tone. so instead of it ringing, it plays that song for them. you can change it, im just not sure how to. sorry.

Question bout the EnV cell phone ..?plays opera theater

go to get new and go to whatever ringtone app u have and go to rbt ( ringback tones ) and change it
it's called a ringback tone and the only way you should have that is if you signed up for it. It costs to have it. Either call customer service or log into your verizon account on line and go to ringback tones. There you can choose other songs and set which one you want it to play

Can anyone recommend some italian music or italian books on tape please!!??

im teaching myself how to speak italian and the book i bought recommends that i listen to some italian music or recordings in italian so i can get used to listening to the language. anyone know anything decent? any style or genre is fine as long as its not opera cause there's no way i'll be able to understand a word they sing.


anything where i can listen to italian would be great!!!

Can anyone recommend some italian music or italian books on tape please!!??classical music

Ohh Try NERI PER CASO .... they are an a capella italian band and it is soooooooooooo easy to understanf what they are singing ... not really my style o music but am sure it will help ....

my fav song of them is LE RAGAZZE ;) its so cute you def gotta hear it ... ci devi stare in utile sperare di sentirsi .... Lolz

anyways Ohh luna pop is a good one too ;)

Good luck with the italian , ohh and give opera a try later on maybe, you might be surprised how much you actually will be able to understand ;)

hope this helps :)


Is classical music a collection of fine notes that are beautiful, or does a classical piece tell a s

I know that music is different things to different people, and that each person can get something different from listening to the same piece. One person may simply enjoy the beauty of the notes, another may vividly imagine the coming together and parting of lovers when listening to the same piece. My question is whether the composers of classical pieces are intending to tell a story in music with their compositions, is there a narrative element inherent in these works (besides opera, of course, which is all about story)? Even though the music can be enjoyed on many different levels, when I listen to it, I get a sense that there's a story going on. I'm thinking that the composer has a story in mind when creating, but I could be wrong...

Is classical music a collection of fine notes that are beautiful, or does a classical piece tell a story?performing arts

Some classical music is intended to be a story. It is called "program" music. Pieces like "Romeo and Juliet" by Tchaikovsky or by Prokofiev, "Peter and the Wolf", "Scheherezade", and Richard Strauss' tone poems are pieces that tell stories and Debussy's pieces, like La Mer, evoke their setting. But a lot of music has emotional content that we can construe to be a story. Mahler's music, for example, is rich with lots of themes that seem to depict what he is feeling. Beethoven's "Pastoral" 6th symphony evokes a kind of landscape. That is probably why Disney used it in Fantasia.

So feel free to imagine the story or emotion behind the piece you are listening to. Composers don't work in a vacuum, and are influenced by what they see, hear, feel, etc.

By the way, Pita, the movie "Amadeus" was not a true story. It is a depiction of the way some people saw Mozart. There is no evidence that he ever met Salieri. But it IS entertaining, and the music is divine!

Is classical music a collection of fine notes that are beautiful, or does a classical piece tell a story?binoculars opera theater

why don't you ask a composer? find someone who writes instrumental music.
When I compose, I may not have a story per say, but there is a flow to the work, and it has a definite departure and destination.

Sometimes I may write something just to sound beautiful... something simple, refined, yet cookie cutter on many levels. But there are also the days that I wrote something that makes you feel a real emotion, and makes you literally go from one point to another, to develop a sense of being IN the music...

Music can be both of the things you described, and it can be many other things as well.
First... watch the movie Amadeus. It's about Mozart, Bach, Salieri and others of their time. It's a cute and funny movie.

Most music was written for Operas, Concerts or the Death songs for the departed. The movie will show you all about it. The life of Wolfgang was quite intreguing... you will not believe what a 'dork' he was and how he went mad when asked to write the best ever death song... just after his own father died.
It depends on the composer. Some set out to tell a story, whilst others simply set out to write a beautiful piece. I would say that most would have a story in mind, it helps a lot, but not all would.
i think that classical music is simply the musician interpretation of his musical background. A classical piece of music reflects ones feelings and mood rather than telling a story. when ur in that period in ur life where u feel peace all around don' expect ur music to be revolutionary..did u get it?

I'd like to hear "tristan und isolde" for free at my computer ...?

i'm fortunate enough to have tickets to see the opera, but i don't know any of the music. i can, however, listen to music in the background at work, just to familiarize myself. where can i link up the audio? thanks!

I'd like to hear "tristan und isolde" for free at my computer ...?symphony

Try these:


LibriVox provides free audiobooks from the public domain. There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the mp3 or ogg files into your own computer:

Pop music with orchestras, or some sort of complexity?

I am looking for music that resembles the song "fighter" by Christina Aguilera. It is pop with a heavy twist. I also like her song "welcome" I am looking for pop with orchestras, or just interesting music behind the singing. I am so sick of these airy voices with one simple track of piano. (apple commercial music) I listen to metal, and am getting sick of the screaming, and the old fashioned opera singers. Someone recommend something. I also like the Mars Volta, any other bands like them that are good?

Pop music with orchestras, or some sort of complexity?performing show



Mars Volta....OK

Sounds like you could use some good prog rock.

May as well turn to Mars Volta's influences for ALL of the above %26amp; more:


Pink Floyd



King Crimson

Pop music with orchestras, or some sort of complexity?opera score opera theater

If you like happy music, I'd go with the Polyphonic Spree. They're a 20+ member band, complete with a choir and pretty extensive orchestral section. Probably the happiest sounding band on earth, but I really enjoy them. I'd recommend you check out Light and Day. It even has a French horn solo in it =D.
Arcade Fire is pretty good. They're sometimes considered "orchestral pop" or "orchestral rock," and I think they're very good. They definitely have a very unique sound. Check out their song "In The Backseat," or really, everything they've done is pretty good. =]

Edit: Oh, and try Architecture In Helsinki too. They're very poppy and fun, but they're also very innovative. They've used everything from guitars and synths to thumb pianos and glockenspiels, and they've also incorporated things like the sound of bubbles popping and tap shoes into their music. It's pretty cool.
Try "Days Of Future Passed" by The Moody Blues. That album was recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra.
The movie step up with Channing Tatum has a lot of music like that I think. It's cool, u should check it out.
You should definitely check out ELO. They pioneered pop with an orchestral sound in the 70s.

EDIT: Ah, so no happy stuff. Alright.

How about some Pedro the Lion or ...

Listen to Neutral Milk Hotel's "Oh Comely".

That's about as much help as I can offer, on top of what I've posted already. Hope you find something from us all!


Aha! The best time to find new music is when you're bored, and I hope I can point you in the direction of a band or artist or two that you'll like.

When I think pop and orchestral, I think:

-Beirut: A seventeen year old kid went to eastern Europe and brought back a Balkan style of music and applied conventional pop methods to it. Very nice stuff. Not very hard, or anything I can really compare with anything else, but very...interesting.;f...;f...

As for other suggestions with orchestral or interesting backing music....

-The Arcade Fire: If you haven't heard them yet, then you're missing out.

-Liars: Might be up your alley. They do a lot of experimental stuff, but I think you might enjoy them. Take a look at:

-Black Mountain: Psych-rock akin to a more modern Zeppelin.

-Of Montreal: Poppy, and crazy. Their lyrics can be almost as crazy as TMV's, but their music is usually very pop-oriented. Very poppy, so you might not enjoy it so much. I figure I'd toss it out there though.

-Battles: A math rock/electronic band.

-Final Fantasy: A guy named Owen Pallett, who's a terrific string arranger for The Arcade Fire and beirut, among other bands, uses this moniker for his solo project. Soft voiced pop stuff, but the strings are beautiful.

-Shout Out Louds: makes some uplifting pop, with bits of interesting instruments plopped down here and there.

-Sunset Rubdown: psych-pop that's full of crazy melodies, lyrics, and intruments. Guy who did Frog Eyes and Wolf parade, among other projects.

-TV on the Radio: Alt-Rock with a bunch of soul. These guys know how to make music. Take a listen?

As a sidenote:

If you'd ever consider music without vocals, I'd recommend some Godspeed You!Black Emperor, Mogwai, or Explosions in the Sky.
I hate christina aguilera, but there is a goth band called Attrition that remade their songs with some members of the the orchestra of the paris opera(the album is called Etude).

too bad you hate airy voices, because the album "Ardor" by Love Spirals Downward is really good (IMHO).
Unfortunately, pop music and complexity is a rare mix, especially since MTV has a monopoly on pop music.

There is one CD that, I believe, is exactly what your searching for. The Moody Blues put out a classic album recorded with an orchestra.

I would like to take the liberty to give you a suggestion that will help you find the music you are seeking.

Mentioning Christina Aguilera as an example of complex music tells me that you are wanting to hear good music but are only aware of today's mainstream, high profile record company "stars".

If you depend on MTV and cheesy pop radio stations that only play the same few songs all day, you are never going to know the great music that is out there.

Check out college radio stations, and other independent radio stations. These stations are more interested in the alternative to the junk on MTV. These stations are more interested in playing artistic music than playing silly stuff. I'm sure you're going to be surprised at all the various bands out there that are not trying to make a hit record, but are trying to do something original.

Its important, for you, to not judge the music. Some of it might sound completely weird, but thats just because you have only known typical, boring pop. Judging by your question, you sound ready for something new.

No friends?

Okay I have this thing where I think I've got a great friend, and we chat and are all best friendy - and next thing I know they don't answer the phone, or anything I try. EVERYONE except a few really great and unjudgemental or unpretentious people (which those people seemed to be) are that way to me and it makes me angry (most of them live far away and aren't my age at all.) I don't know what I do wrong. I try not to act like I'm desparate for friends, but it still doesn't seem to work. Some guys seem to like me (or my looks) do you think that girls are unwilling to be my friends because of that? Or is it the fact that I don't listen to too much contemporary music (I'm picky and like broadway and pop opera) or date? $%^%26amp;*()

Yeah so I'm pretty mad that everyone has to be so stuck in their own little group or cliuque. Its hard for those of us that are on the outside.

If you have anything to say that would help me to figure out this odd hostility I would be most greatful.

No friends?comedy show

I used to never really have much friends eithier. Because mostly I didn't talk much or I talked to the wrong people. But once I talked to someone they thought I was kewl and welcomed me into their group. Then once everyone else knew the real me they started to trust me to know the real them. You mostly need to find people that have something in common with you. Just talk. Soon, you'll find that common part!

No friends?greek theater opera theater

Maybe you talk to much and have a habit of rambling. Not trying to be mean, it is just that people would rather hear themselves talk than listen to others. Sad but true. If you do not get to many answers to this long Q. this would be a good example.
it usually shouldn't be so hard to have friends, if those friends of yours were you're real friends they would try to hang out with you or something........try to look for other people for now

Can anyone recommend any italian music please!??

im teaching myself how to speak italian and the book i bought recommends that i listen to some italian music so i can get used to listening to the language. anyone know anything decent? any style or genre is fine as long (but not opera cause there's no way i'll be able to understand a word they sing).


Can anyone recommend any italian music please!??events


i am half italian and hope i can help.

A few suggestions are

claudio baglioni (a classic and sings quite clealy...i love his songs even if they r a little old fashioned)

spaccanapoli is a great napolitan band..great music, but sing in napolitan dialect, so i don't know if that will be useful 4 u.

Riccardo Cocciante, same as baglioni...great.

Renato Zero

laura Pausini (practically all love songs we listened to in our teens, but pretty and enunciates v well i think)

Zucchero(the early cds)

Hope i could help out a bit ;)

Can anyone recommend any italian music please!??home theatre opera theater

Laura Paulsini
Ay Compadre " great italian song
Eros Ramazzotti

or "Nek"
I hope this link helps... it's not only about music...

Good luck on the learning and,


PS: Oh and my favourite italian musician without any doubt is Andrea Bocelli!
"Parla Piu Piano" by Patrizio Buanne

it's the love theme from the godfather movie
il divo i think. i heard about them

Can anyone recommend any italian music???

im teaching myself how to speak italian and the book i bought recommends that i listen to some italian music so i can get used to listening to the language. anyone know anything decent? any style or genre is fine as long (but not opera cause there's no way i'll be able to understand a word they sing).


Can anyone recommend any italian music???say yes

Oh there are so many great italian singers :

Gianni Morandi, Lucio Dalla, Adriano Celentano, Eros Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini, Marco Masini, Gemelli Diversi.... And a song Italians like to sing : "Azzurro" or "L'Italiano"

Can anyone recommend any italian music???palace theatre opera theater

That all depends on your taste in music. Do you like opera? Verdi, Bellini, Puccini and so many other composers of bel canto and opera's. Do you like the typical Italian street music like a tarantella. Music from the "Godfather." There is quite a choice and you have to make the final decision. Listen to all of it and if it stirs any emotion that's the music you should listen to.
I own a couple CSI cd's (Consorzio Suonatori Indipindenti) an Italian rock band that are pretty good. Available on various sites (amazon, etc). Tabula Rasa Elettricatta is the best.

Tiziano Ferro

Luca Dirisio
I second Ligabue, he's my favorite Italian singer. I also like Carmen Consoli and Irene Grandi.

You might also try listening to the radio online, which is something I like to do (though you may be surprised how much English language music you hear!). You get exposed to not only music but also commercials, jingles, DJ talk, etc. I recommend RTL 102.5 and Radio 105.

divertiti (have fun!)

I think, Eros Ramazotti is good for learning/hearing italian, because he sings very cleary and is good to understand.

Have a nice day


What genre of music do you prefer and WHY?

Take note.. when answering WHY let me know things like.. is it because of your circle of friends.. do you all share simular music interests.. or is it because your grew up with certain family music.. (my dad played church songs..and now i love hip hop and hard rock.. lol).. do you find certain lifestyles appealing more than others? like being a listener of hip hop compared with opera-where there is a CLEAR socio-economic difference.. does this affect what you listen to??

What genre of music do you prefer and WHY?getting late

wow i never did analyze why i listen to what i listen.

well here's a brief history of the music i listen too :

started with hymns cause i "grew up in church" then i when to work and was introduced to techno/dance/trance fell in love with it immediately and now i listen mostly to dance/techno /trance.

with an occassional hip-hop, rock, metal, etc song.

i find the gothic lifestyle very fasinating but am not really into it. most people are susprise when I tell them i like techno. as i dont look the type. whatever it is.

What genre of music do you prefer and WHY?regal theater opera theater

Rock, Classic and New. Because of family and friends. I live a life style the I can afford.
I like to hear songs from bollywood. they are nice. You must try them.
Rnb coz the music sounds good year in year out a song first sang in 2007 can still be worth listening to 10 years down the road.
Old School R%26amp;B - because that's what I grew up with.......
The genre of music I prefer is POP/ROCK, because it is so soothing and wonderful. It is also good to listen to it as well.
I grew up with my parents listening to R%26amp;B, Oldies and a blend of rock. I prefer listening to R%26amp;B which I have learned to appreciate. To me, I believe it relates to who I am as a person and my experiences in life.

Does anyone have an exact source for FREE Broadway instrumental/karaoke songs?

Phantom of the Opera ESPECIALLY!

I am looking for a link to an area where i can listen to it or download it.

Does anyone have an exact source for FREE Broadway instrumental/karaoke songs?ballet

try here-

Favorite Rock Lyricists of All Time?

Best answer goes to the answer that is most well-explained.

Mine are:

Bob Dylan's lyrics are powerful and can range from protests to vague stories. He's just a fun guy to listen to, especially combining those lyrics with a folk-rock sort of genre. Dylan can open people's minds to new ideas and concepts with his lyrics.

John Lennon recorded all his thoughts and feelings about the world down on paper, especially during his solo career. Songs like "Imagine" or "Ballad of John and Yoko" or "Give Peace a Chance" really expressed his life and thoughts.

Pete Townshend was a basic lyricist, but he was the mastermind behind the first rock opera. With simple lyrics that flowed together to form a story, along with great music, the rock opera definitely was a success.

Roger Waters's lyrics really make me think. For me, they're hard to understand, but I like it that way. I want to be challenged by unknown concepts. Waters's lyrics are perfect for this.

Favorite Rock Lyricists of All Time?sheet music

Wow! You seem to know a lot about music.

To me there is no easy answer to this question. Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Pete Townsend, and Roger Waters are all amazing lyricists. It depends greatly on what is best to you; a very relative question.

Out of those 4, John Lennon is the best writer as far as I'm concerned. He is not even one of the artists that I have seen in concert, unfortunately. Wrapping inspiring lyrics around the ground-breaking time in the world was/is inspirational to say the least. How do you go from the largest band in the world to representing yourself, naked, in your own thoughts, to the rest of society?

I would love to go on, but I have to get some sleep!

Take care and please keep writing about music.

Favorite Rock Lyricists of All Time?state theatre opera theater

Chuck Berry
Neil Fallon of Clutch
Damn you just stole my idea :)

John Lennon

Mister Townsend

Rodger Waters.
alll of anti flag

jim morrison

the ramones
Chris Carrabba


Arthur "Ace" Enders
I will choose these lyrics:

"Its my live" and "Have a nice day" by Bon Jovi

"Rock you like a Huricane", "Wind of change" and many more by Scorpions

"With or without you" and "It's a beautiful day" by U2

"The Final Countdown" by Europa

"Message in a bottle" by Police

"Bico" by Genesis

"We will Rock you" and "We are the Champions" by Queen

"My Immortal" and "Bring me to life" by Evanescence

"Goodbye my lover" by James Blunt
Fish - former singer for Marillion, solo since '88

He can lyrically paint a picture or set a mood like no other. I would recommend starting with "Misplaced Childhood". Check out the lyrics online and judge for yourslef. Also check out his Myspace page. His blogs are frequent and sometimes lengthy, but very engrossing.
Joe Strummer

enough said!
John Lennon - overall.

Then comes : Roger Waters and Syd Barret from Pink Floyd

Axl Rose from Guns 'n' Roses

Scott Stapp from Creed

and Bob Dylan maybe...
Neil Peart
Personally I have to say that Maynard James Keenan is my favorite lyricist ever. not only does he add an immense amount of meaning to his words but he's probably the only person out there that I know of that decided to use the Fibonacci Sequence. which is just awesome.

His lyrics always make me think. and I hear something new that he did every time I hear a song.
Jim Nabors.
My personal favorite is Trent Reznor. He puts so much of himself into his lyrics that it hits that much harder when you can relate, because it's like someone saying the things in your head better than you can relay them yourself ...

... or at least, that's how I see it.
Your are pretty good. Especially agree with the top two. How about Chuck Berry, Doc Pomus %26amp; Mort Schuman, Lieber %26amp; Stoller, Joe Strummer, John Fogerty, Paul Simon, Jagger/Richards, Buddy Holly?
Besides the one's you said, how about Freddie Mercury? I like his lyrics and his voice a lot, and that's more than I can say for Bob Dylan.

Anthony Kiedis can write a good song. Listen to the lyrics of Under the Bridge. Awesome........
Robert Plant's voice was just so great, and some of his lyrics were very creative. Page wrote a lot of them, but Plant was a great singer.

Geddy Lee's voice also went along well with the sound of his voice, and Neil Peart's Lyrics were awesome. some of the best songs ever were made because of those lyrics and that voice.

I know this isnt football related but its italian related so maybe some of you could help me out???

im teaching myself how to speak italian and the book i bought recommends that i listen to some italian music so i can get used to listening to the language. anyone know anything decent? any style or genre is fine as long as i can hear the singing clearly (but not opera cause there's no way i'll be able to understand a word they sing).


I know this isnt football related but its italian related so maybe some of you could help me out???plays

I guess understanding the words in a song is really a difficult task, easier with 'plain' singers only.

Don't TV cable or satellite shows, multilanguage DVDs, readings from books ('La Divina Commedia' by Dante Alighieri - it's 1400 Italian and words and terms changed, but you can improve your spelling) performed by theatre actors - better work?

I suggest you

Battiato (lots of CDs) has twirled lyrics, but only in their meanings. He's speaking more than singing.

Lucio Battisti

Enrico Ruggeri

Adriano Celentano (AZZURRO! it's really easy to understand)

Paolo Conte if you like french-style piano singers. He wrote 'Azzurro' for Celentano

Max Pezzali and his former 2 men band (883) if you like dance. Could be the easiest.

Gianna Nannini (rock %26amp; romance)

And I agree with many others:



Laura Pausini...

Good luck ;-)

I know this isnt football related but its italian related so maybe some of you could help me out???opera ticket opera theater

italian is such a lovely language. i tried teaching myself a while back, but then sort of just fell out of it (that is practicing over and over again). I really don't know what music to reccomend. I've tried to find some, but I never get any good results. So, Sorry, but good luck with learning!
hey can i learn too so when camronesi asks me to marry him i will know exactly what he is saying to me
he-he I'm on the same plan. I listen to RAI. you will be able to listen to music, news and shows etc...
I couldn't help laughing when I read triniwarrior24's comment ;), anyways, my favourite is Eros Ramazzotti - sort of pop/ rock genre, his music is beautiful and words are really clear. Also try Laura Pausini, Irene Grandi, Eliza, Tiziano Ferro - you'll probably find something you like.

ps. There's probably a language section here where you can post this, and good luck with self-learning - I find it hard even with lessons. ;)
Most major cities have at least 1 store that carries foreign music, Eros Ramazotti is easy to get,but by all means log on to so you can get the accent correct.
Hi Lola...personally myself I love Eros Ramazzotti, he's Italian but also sings in English and Spanish. His music is easy listening and clearly understood. He also has a beautiful song which he sings with Tina Turner ( Cose Della Vita). He's an amazing singer, I have all his Cd's. I'll give you some websites to look at but if you need anymore help feel free to contact me. There are many other good Italian singers but he's the first to come to mind.

These are just a few websites.
Paola E Chiara is good

Well... I love 50's songs.

And, learning wise, it is kind of easier to understand what the artists said back then. Pronunciation was much better 'cause the music was not as overwhelming as it is now.

I'd recomend Domenico Modugno ("Volare" is a classic), and, by the way, he was the first italian artist to reach No. 1 on the US Billboard charts. Also classic war songs like "Bella ciao". I love those! (From WWIII)

Of the actual artists you have Pooh, Eroz Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini, Tiziano Ferro, Nek (all Pop... although Pooh is more rocky).

One fact: italians translate anything. I bet you can find musicals online. Auditions where held this month in Rome for Grease and you HAD to sing it in italian so. Look for that online if you're a musical fan.

look for vasco rossi... he has a million songs (been around for ages)

I could give you a load of italian hip hop groups/artists too but i doubt very much you will be able to understand much of that!!!

also you can download some 'finley'. they are a young italian group (very rock style)

if you want a more mellow and melodic singer, try laura pausini

Improve my singing? Help please!?

Hi all,

I'm 16 years old and I was vocally trained from ages 6-14. I am a Soprano 1 with a range up to high F. I was trained in vocals and on the piano so I am very familiar with notes and music.

I have encountered a few problems, though.

First, my voice sounds nasally when I am singing in my lower range. I find it weird though because hearing myself, it sounds nice. But when I listen to myself recorded it sounds nasally. Why is this so and how can I train myself to get rid of that nasal tone that I only hear when I listen to myself recorded? I would really like to improve this part of my voice!

Second, since I have always been singing opera and classical style music I have not been familiarized with the runs that contemporary or R%26amp;B singers have in their voice. I always end up breaking my notes up to hit them each more precisely. How can I improve my voice in this?

Thank you, help would be extremely appreciated!

Improve my singing? Help please!?ms stress


im not too familiar with notes but i actually hav the same thing onl its because my voice hasn't broken yet therfore i cant sing low due to the fact that my voice is high. What really helps is to liste to the note and someone else singing it and then repeat until it sounds good. the other thing it could be is that the recording device is too sensitive and cant pick up on certain notes. Some cant.

Hope that helped

Improve my singing? Help please!?home theater system opera theater

WOW me too! I hve been trained just the same as you. I always have that problem withe my lower range - I always thought that maybe I was just a soprano and cant do anything else...but I recently got a new teacher (she's really good - not just like I think that but her students always win the Met competitions) but she said that that doesnt come in until we get older - its not like a after puberty thing - i've gotten though that its just something with the development of our vocal cords...she said that we really cant do anything about it as it is a natural process but that it will jsut gradually come in with keep singing!!!!!! =D

Can you convince me to check out your music?

I listen to classic rock and blues almost exclusively. I want to know why you like the stuff you listen to when I think it's crap. Am I missing something? If so, what's so good about Hip Hop, Country, Opera, that junk they dance to in "the club", etc...?

I've only ever heard a good argument by a fan of Trance music and a fan of Classical music. Good luck.

Can you convince me to check out your music?binoculars

I like the good 'ol stuff from the 80's and before then. The rap and 'hip-hop' is just plain stupid. Most of those artists have no idea what real music is. They don't play an instrument, and they're mainly into the dancing. Real music comes from the heart, and the music industry has lost sight of that. Styx is my favorite, because their music means something. They always have great tempos and themes to their songs. I like Ray Charles, because he actually wrote his own songs.

Classical is definitely the best music there is though. It's proven to help boost concentration and focus, while working and thinking. It's also soothing, and is great to sleep to so, there aren't any distractions will trying to get to sleep and stay asleep. I normally sleep better at night and wake up more rested by listening to classical, than modern day music. Classic rock normally helps me sleep better than hip hop though. The musicians like Beethoven, Mozart, Handel, Stravinsky, and many more really knew what real music was. They had great focus to what mattered in music. Some even included opera. I don't neccesarily like the shrillness of a woman's voice in opera. I prefer the baritone end. I hope I can convince you to listen to Classical. It's a lot easier on the ears, like Classic Rock and the Blues are.

Can you convince me to check out your music?violin opera theater

hip-hop and rap have a good beat,easy to dance to -and i guess because alot of people relate to the subjects of the songs

if you really listen to most-good rappers say

kanye west

there's a good message in there it's not crap or fast talking explicits it tells a story and how they feel

try listening to some one like kanye-most of the other rapper like the one hit wonders make a song to get popular using a beat to dance to, usually making up a dance everyone HAS to learn before the next party

hope this helps
while i will admit that ur music is good, i like what i listen to because it explains how i feel and i can just let out all my feelings so that is why i listen to it but as for convincing you i say just give it a chance and change ur radio station for a day and just listen to it then if you still can't understand why people listen to it than go back to ur music because that is what u like and u don't like anything else but no one is going to be able to convince you to listen to it because u just don't like it.
Why would you want to listen to something else. Classic rock and blues are probly some of the best music out there. they also have the best guitarists and solos which a lot of modern bands dont have. Rap and hip hop tend to steal beats from already famous songs. I would just stick to Classic rock anyday.
i listen to people like marilyn manson, nine inch nails, eminem, the cure, gorrilaz, tech9, vnv nation, skinny puppy, ect cuz not only are they prodigies in thier style and sound, they dont lack substance, in other words they accually have something meaningful to say, unlike most of the other music i've heard.
alternative rock is the way to go. since you already life classic rock you odviously have a good taste in music, but then again it IS classic rock, and the artists typically don't come out with good stuff from their prime anymore. so in all fairness its time to pay respect to the new musicians who are pioneering the rock world today, and the most popular form of rock in this mondern day is alternative.

why alternative? it has a great beat to it, not a repetive bas line that most hip hop songs. also the vocal that are usually are associated with alternative rock vary from band to band, unlike country where a lot of the vocals are that low, slow, mono tone males voices that are sometimes pauinful ot listen to. and since you are also a blues fan you may also be interested in the lyrics that are in alternative rock songs. they aren't about sex, drugs, getting drunk, they're about honest feelings aboutreal situations. its almost like poetry only inbeaded in a instrumental "phrase" that can somewhat reflect the oldies only evolved some.

a lot of people who are into trance also havea guilty pleasure for alternative rock, but within alt. rock there are many more sub-genres so you have more of a selection like; punk. pop-punk, post-hardcore, black metal, screamo, psuedo, ect

bands i prefer...

the white stripes

my chemical romance

green day

taking back sunday


finger 11

the used



What's with classic rock fans on YA?

Do they think nobody has ever heard classic rock before, or that it is the best music in history. I have, as well as lots of other types of music. Like Tommy Dorsey, The Rat Pack, Ella Fitzgerald, Hank Williams, Real Classical, Opera, and lots of traditional cultural music. There is so much better music than the Arena Rock of yesteryear. Why is it always brought up?

Don't get me wrong, I love Queen, Kansas, Boston, The Beatles (more than you know, I have the white album on vinyl), and a ton more. But why does everyone think it's the best, or that the youth today needs to listen to it? Did they listen to the Carter Family, Dorsey, or anyone of the such when they were growing up? What makes classic rock more classic and musically talented?

I love it, but I'm still not so sure why it's achieved this status over, say, Afro-Cuban Jazz or Traditional Irish for example.

What's with classic rock fans on YA?performing arts center

Like a few others said this is Pop /Rock, and thats cool your so well schooled in music. I think there are other places on here you can go to talk about that kind of music....which is fine music btw. Just dont take offense when somebody doesnt feel the same as you, we're all individuals with different taste. If we was all alike wouldnt this world be a boring place ?? Rock on my friend

What's with classic rock fans on YA?sunshine opera theater

Maybe you missed the name of this board: " Rock and Pop".

That would include classic rock, m'man. You wanna talk Tommy Dorsey, The Rat Pack, Ella Fitzgerald, Hank Williams, Real Classical, Opera, and lots of traditional cultural music?


Find it all on the appropriate boards.

Do you have the same complaints about the endless sea of MCR/fall out boy %26amp; p!atd fans on here as well? (all asking the same freakin questions daily)

Y'see- it's all about perspective. It's more than obvious *you've* heard much classic rock. But what of the musically curious 14 year old who hasn't got a clue who Led Zeppelin are, for ex.?
I love other music also but this is Rock and Pop

apparently you missed progressive rock .....VERY underrated genre of music with VERY talented players

lets see...

I like these also

classical-mahler, beethoven, bhrams, mahler, tchaviosky, mussorsky, stravinsky, ravel, debussy

Jazz-Miles davis, louis armstrong, dizzy gilespie, coltrane, parker, duke ellington
I'm 17 and I'm a classic Rock fan. Classic rock is my favourite rock genre because in my opinion it is much better than the stuf they are coming up with today.

Don't get me wrong, there still is good music today, but you have to dig very deep to find it, because the really talented artists are not in the mainstream.
they let dorks like you on here , so why can't us classic rockers be on here also
I try to expand my taste to a little of everything. I say that there's usually at least one good song in every genre. I am a huge fan of rock and I usually get beaten up on Yahoo! and sometimes at school for loving MCR. I think people generalize genres and bands with a certain type of person and it's stupid. I try to keep at open mind to new music, etc. and all that stuff. I think people love "classic" rock because those guys started it all.

Do you hate elitism when it comes to art?

I hate it when people are perceived as "elite" or "lowest common denominator" when it comes to taste in film or music. That masses, especially young people would prefer a rock concert rather than a musical or opera. These people are then considered "lowest common denominator" especially by critics. It's the same with film. Films that entertain the masses are considered to be "lower" than the artistic films that critics rave about. It seems that in order for art to be of "high level" it has to be unentertaining, difficult to understand and at times even boring. The elitists always seem to prefer things to be artistic or elegant and beautiful rather than 'cool' or 'awesome' and regard all who go for this sort of thing as 'lesser' than they are. I listen to film scores but I don't regard my friends who listen to heavy metal/black metal to have bad taste. They're just different.

Do you hate elitism when it comes to art?opera score

I agree in a way. There are multiple forms of art in the world, and not because there is a common standard of art do I have to like what critics say.

I do believe in reading, watching and listening to many different trends in order to have sustained reasons (of your own) to say why you like or dislike something.

I personally watch and listen to whatever I like and don't care if people say it is art or not.

Do you hate elitism when it comes to art?musicals opera theater

Perhaps they confuse good writing material with scripts difficult to comprehend or scripts that encourage lethargy with so called "intelligence". However they are correct about the current situation with hip hop; it's officially dead.

What is a program for windows that is like garageband?

im not talking about a program that can make music but for garage band, you can plug in a usb headset and record while you listen to the music u made through garage band. i want a program for windows where i can record while i listen to music over the music ... and also like have my voice altered like in garage band for example i can record over music with a "opera girl voice" while i speak into the microphone.

What is a program for windows that is like garageband?greek theater

Adobe Audition.

What vocalist/musician puts the most passion into their voice/instrument?

or what songs? If you don't understand the question, first listen to Britney Spears, than listen to Celine Dion. I think the song "Forever Young" by Rod Stewart is a good example of this, as well as "if i saw you in heaven" by Eric Clapton.

Instrumentally, I feel Chris Thile on the Mandalin puts a lot of passion into his music. What songs or artists do you feel puts the most passion into their music? (Rap, R%26amp;B, Opera, Rock, anything....)

What vocalist/musician puts the most passion into their voice/instrument?home theatre

Yann Tiersen. He is incredible! Makes my blood boil....

What vocalist/musician puts the most passion into their voice/instrument?ballet theater opera theater

alicia keys
sully erna and david draimen....without a doubt, to me....
Linkin Park??
christina aguilera

What are some really good musical theatre songs?

Hi! I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a few really good musical theatre **songs**. I'm trying to find some new musicals to listen to (preferrably modern, but as I said before, as long as it's really good...) besides the staple ones that everybody listens to. I'd appreciate if you would give me what you think is the best song and what musical it's from - but not just the muscial. Please. :^)

Here are ones I'm already familar with, just to save you the trouble:

Wicked; Les Miserables; RENT; Phantom of the Opera; Fiddler on the Roof; Grease; Footloose; Seussical; Avenue Q; Hairspray; Little Shope of Horrors; Spring Awakening; You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown; Legally Blonde; Kiss Me, Kate; Once on this Island; Mary Poppins; and Sound of Music.

And I DO NOT want to hear about High School Musical. I'm not saying it's bad, but I'm not particularly fond of it, either. ;^)

Thanks you so much!

What are some really good musical theatre songs?palace theatre

if you want unknown...

how about

Curtains- show people

110 in the shade

Sweet Charity- umm EVERYTHING! i %26lt;3 this musical!

anything Goes- i get a kick out of you, delovely

Once upon a mattress- shy

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels- here i am, All about Ruprecht

A Chorus Line- dance 10, looks 3

Newsies- carrying the banner, seize the day

Guys and dolls- adelaide's lament, guys and dolls

bye bye birdie- Spanish Rose

sweeney todd- A little priest

into the woods- Prologue, on the steps of the palace

Chess - Decorum and tranquility

Chicago- roxie, we both reached for the gun


Drowsy Chaperone- show off, i am adolpho

evita- oh what a circus

the producers- king of broadway, keep it gay


spamalot- the song that goes like this, sir robin, diva's lament

thoroughly modern millie- speed test, how the other half lives

Urinetown- too much exposition, cop song, run freedom run

1776- piddle twiddle and resolve

the 25th annual putnam county spelling bee

hope this helps! i got all those off my ipod- and they all come with high recommendations!

btw- someone said Gary indiana was from fiddler- im guessing you already know this but its music man

What are some really good musical theatre songs?concert tickets opera theater

Lucky Stiff, Bat Boy, and Xanadu are all lesser-known contemporary shows that have great songs/roles for young women.
Gary indiana- Fiddler on the Roof

The New Girl In Town- Hairspray

This is all I have off the top of my head.

(by the way, we did Suessical for our school musical.)
Pretty much anything from

Godspell - has some really great fun songs,

Rent -of course(i know you alredy said it but it's so good)

Annie- has some amazing songs, really fun

Music Man- Some great songs (not very modern)
Cabaret is my favourite musical, by far. Check out the soundtrack.
I love the music from jekyll and hyde -someone like you is a perfect love song, Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat was pretty good- any dream will do. Jesus Christ Superstar- I don't know how to love him ( i sang this in high school). My friends really enjoy Sondheim I'm not a huge fan of his but Sunday in the park with George, and Into the woods are pretty good shows too. Have fun!
Funny Honey or When Your Good to Mama - from Chicago

The Love of My Life - Brigadoon

Wash That Man Right Outta' My hair - South Pacific

I Cain't Say No - Oklahoma

Dance Ten, Looks Three - A Chorus Line

Som,e of my favorites. These can really be spiced up and let your creativity shine through in an audition.

(I'm with you on HSM... blah....)
Phantom of the opera. I love it so much. The songs are great. The songs in title of show are great but innappropriate. But they are great.
Here's a few musicals and some of my fave songs from them. (it's hard to choose a single favorite from a musical)

Chicago- All That Jazz, Roxie, Cell Block Tango, Razzle Dazzle, Both Reached for the Gun

Ragtime- Ragtime, Journey On, Wheels of Dream, Your Daddy's Son, Crime of the Century, Back to Before

Jane Eyre- Forgiveness, Sweet Liberty, The Gypsy, The Proposal, Brave Enough for Love

Aida- Every Story is a Love Story, My Strongest Suit, Enchantment Passing Through, Elaborate Lives, Easy as Life, Written in the Stars

Miss Saigon- The Heat is on in Saigon, Sun and Moon, The Movie in My Mind, I Still Believe, I'd Give My Life for You, Room 317

The Lion King- Endless Night, Shadowland, The Morning Report, They Live in You, Grassland Chant, The Circle of Life

Dreamgirls- Dreamgirls, And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going, I am Changing, When I First Saw You

skin lightening